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Dylan Cooper liked nothing more than returning home after a busy and eventful day at work. Working at Arkham Asylum definitely was eventful. He had no one to return home to though which was perhaps the only downfall. Sitting relaxing on the couch, he looked up from his book when there was a quiet knocking on his door. Looking at the time he frowned, who would be visiting him at nearly half ten in the evening was beyond him. If it was family they'd have phoned beforehand, if it was a friend they'd have just waited until work tomorrow to talk to him surely?

Marking his page and standing up, Dylan made his way towards the front door while straightening out his trousers and shirt. Looking through the peep hole, he frowned confused at the sight of a young woman on the other side. She casually looked down at her boots and looked up at him. Dylan frowned. The woman beyond the peep hole stood rocking on her heels. Green lensed goggles stared at the door before knocking lightly again. She pushed her curly black hair out of her face before knocking again.

Noticing how she was going to continue knocking if he didn't answer, Dylan opened the door. "Can I help you?"

"You're Mr Cooper, right?" The green lenses stared at him.


"Yes or no?"

"Yes then, why?"

The woman smiled, the stitch marks on her face creased with her change in expression. "Excellent! Well I have to warn you, sir." When the woman said this, Dylan's face tightened and he narrowed his eyes at her.

"About what?"

"A man is going to come here. Your mind will shatter like glass and you will scream from the unimaginable horrors which will be inflicted on you." The woman smiled and shrugged. "That's all. Night, Mr Cooper," the woman waved, stepping into the lamp light Dylan became aware that her trousers were dark and made from patchwork, all different materials of a dark shade all stitched together as tight fitting trousers. Even her goggles, when he squinted, were seemingly made from patchwork material. Smiling one last time she skipped off down the road, Dylan watched her go. He didn't honestly know what to make of her words, shrugging he just decided she was one person who really needed to be admitted into the asylum.

"Eye spy with my little eye," a voice said from behind him, Dylan slammed the door shut and jumped. A man lazily swung around the end of the banister and looked at him. "Something beginning with..."

"Who are you and how did you get into my house?"

"Oh good, Doctor Cooper! Your back door is so very easy to pick, the lock is in fact, very weak. You should get it replaced. This city is after all, inhabited by the least sanest people on the Earth. You should know this, you work with them. Who knows who could just waltz in!"

"How do you know my name?"

"The young woman," he waved a syringe finger at the front door. "I overheard her."

"How do you know my job?" Dylan questioned and jumped back when the taller man stepped forward.

"You stick on a mask and suddenly no one recognises you," the man shrugged and pulled the mask up.


"Hello, good Doctor Cooper."

"I'll see to it you-"

"Shh," a syringe got placed against his lips which caused Dylan's mouth to stop moving.

"Excuse me? You left the door open! Is this an open invitation?"

"You." Dylan narrowed his eyes at the woman as she skipped around his house. "You're involved."

"Hm? Oh, I got totally talked into this. No joke, that and I'm interested to see how the new model works out." The woman rubbed her hands together and sat on the stairs. "Continue."

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