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The first month of his incarceration went by relatively slowly. What could Jonathan say, being locked away in a cell was incredibly boring. The only thing which seemed to keep him amused through the long days where he was locked away, apart from the hour of free time when he was allowed out to walk around or when he was being interviewed, was a simply bound notepad.

Looking up when someone pulled the latch across from his door he smiled lightly. Penelope Young was an interesting person. By interesting Jonathan really meant annoying. She grated on him much like Dylan Cooper did. Look where Dylan's annoying disposition got him. Tilting his head to the side he pushed his glasses up his nose more and put down his pen. "Can I help you, Doctor Young?"

"Doctor Kellerman," Penelope said while shifting from foot to foot. "He's going to be a little late to your session."

"That's a shame, I hope Stephen is all right." Jonathan said indifferently while returning back to his book. "Say," looking back up at the woman beyond the small latch, he turned on his bed and looked at her front on. "Would it be possible to send a letter to someone?"

The young doctor seemed to be thinking over his question before nodding slowly. "Sure, I don't see why you can't." Jonathan smiled lightly and nodded. "How's the research going?"

"It's uneventful." Shrugging he looked quickly up at Penelope before returning back to his book. "I am, as you can clearly see, very limited."

"Yes, I can see that, Jonathan. But we can't give you any equipment."

"Of course not!" Jonathan laughed lightly and shut his book. "Don't think I was asking for any, I was merely saying; my research isn't going too well because of my limitations." Jonathan stood up and walked over to the little desk in his cell. Placing his book down he picked up an envelope and extended his hand through the small latch in the door. "I am well aware that you have to read the contents before sending it. May I say I'm fine with that, it's a rather boring letter anyway. Nothing interesting in there at all." Penelope looked up and regarded him coolly before taking the letter from his grasp.

Smiling lightly, Jonathan put his hands in his trouser pockets. Unlike some of the other inmates, he didn't get given a uniform to wear. His mask, glove and everything else though had been taken away from him. He didn't scream and shout about it unlike Harvey Dent did when they decided to take his precious coin away from him. Jonathan could hear the poor confused man talking about his tarot cards, having so many sudden choices just clashed with his usual two way thinking.

"Is that all?" Jonathan questioned while taking to pinning pieces of paper onto his wall. He gave Penelope a sidewards look before she disappeared and he was on his own again.

That woman and her fundamental attribution error complex was really quite annoying.

As if on cue the latch moved from his door again and a green eyed man stared in at him. "Good morning, Stephen."

"It's Doctor Kellerman, Jonathan. How many times have we been through this?"

"Oh, but can we not drop the formalities? You after all get to call me by my first name."

"Yes, but you're the patient, I'm the one trying to help you. Therefore the formalities are needed." Stephen said while the door got unlocked a guard walked in and towards him. Rolling his eyes, Jonathan held out his hands which a pair of handcuffs got put around his wrists. This routine was very boring, he thought it was rather uneventful when he was playing the part of the Doctor. But playing the part of the patient was equally dull.


Looking at the crumpled paper in her hand, Willow looked up at the building in front of her. "It's a shit hole." Willow stated plainly while stuffing her hands in her jean pockets. Crossing the road, not making sure for any passing vehicles because there simply weren't any, Willow stopped and looked up. The church was a gaping mass of black, shadows hung to each part of the building. From her standing position, Willow could see some of the roof had collapsed, there also seemed to be some wall problems too.

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