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Jonathan placed out the pieces of equipment which he'd bought with him. Looking to his side when Willow walked into the room tying her hair up, she smiled. Straightening out her vest top she pulled on her goggles, waving a welding torch at him she smiled again. "Budge, budge please." Jonathan side stepped and watched as Willow took to making rather crude looking bombs. They were quickly made, but they still had a purpose. They didn't need to look like the best thing in the world. It was more than clear that Willow wasn't fussed on making them works of art. Or even being a perfectionist over the hollow shells. Whistling and turning the metal over Willow shook her head. "We'll have to avoid public transport." She announced while turning the shell over in her hands and then passing it to him. "How many do you want me to make, can I just ask?"

"As many as you can, and yes, I know. Trains and buses are a no." Jonathan said while pulling on a little white DIY mask. Looking to the side he waved one at Willow.

"Thanks!" She chirped from behind the mask and went back to whistling carols and making small casings. "We haven't got a car though, Jonathan."

"Cars are easy to come by."

"You mean steal one."

"Yes," smiling underneath his mask he looked at her. "You're a very quick worker."

"Well, I'm working to a deadline you see." Willow entwined her hands out in front of her and cracked her knuckles. "Not only that, we have to deliver these as quickly as possible and then get to travelling!"

"Do Kevin and Sue still live in the same neighbourhood?"

"They sure do! They never moved," Willow said distantly, Jonathan looked over at her. Willow's eyes glazed over slightly as she welded the metal. "They couldn't, well they could. But that little house does them well. It was close to where they worked."

"They're retired now?"

"Mmhm! Much to Sue's delight." Willow giggled and passed another shell towards him.

"I thought Kevin would take more enjoyment out of being retired than Sue."

"But Sue was a nurse, that's much more hard."

"What was Kevin's job anyway? I never asked when we were younger."

"He was a security guard for some random places." She looked up at him. "Museums, banks, important buildings and such." Willow shrugged and grabbed another piece of metal. "Will you be all right?"

"Hm?" Jonathan stopped filling one of the shells and looked at her. "With what?"

"...Going back there." Willow said slowly.

Jonathan got the gist of what she was referring to. Lowering the shell slowly and the tubing, he looked at her. "It's still standing?"

"It was a very nice house." Willow nodded. "No one lives there though. Not many people like the idea of living in a house where a lunatic religious nut died suspiciously." Willow muttered and then slapped herself on the forehead. "Sorry, Jonathan! I meant no offence."

"You're right though." Jonathan looked away from her and back to his work.


"You have nothing to apologise for, Willow." He said simply.

"Will you go back there?"

"No." Jonathan frowned and placed the bombs which were filled up into a bag carefully. "I don't want to step foot anywhere near that place." Shaking his head and pulling off the mask he dropped it onto the desk. "They should have torn it down."

"You're the owner technically. You can demolish it if you want."

"I don't want anything from that building. Let it sit there and crumble."

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