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Kevin and Sue eyed their daughter worriedly. They had got used to the teenager returning home complaining about the exams she was sitting. But even in the second week of them, and nearing the end, she was cheery and daydreamy. It concerned them both. They had both been told that adopting a child could be problematic. No one wrote a book of how to look after another person's child, but suddenly going from moody to happy was not normal. The both of them dearly wished someone had wrote a book so they knew what this change in disposition meant.

"Maybe it's just the end of the exams?" Kevin whispered while standing alongside his wife. The blonde haired woman looked up at him while washing up a plate. Putting it on the draining board she picked up the tea towel and walked towards the doorway.

"That," Sue pointed at Willow who was sitting in the chair staring blankly at the television which was playing cartoons. "Is not from exams ending. No, no, that is from something else."

"Think she's still getting bullied?"

"They wouldn't make her so..."


"She does seem content doesn't she?" Sue sighed and smiled when Willow looked up at them both.

"What?" Willow questioned.

Sue and Kevin looked at each other, all right it seemed Willow was back into moody teenager mode. "Hormones?" Kevin whispered and suffered a nudge from Sue. Disappearing back into the kitchen the two looked at each other and both seemed to have the same thought at the same time. Darting back to the doorway they eyed up their daughter, who gave a slow sigh and leaned back in the chair with her arms crossed. Eyeing each other up, Kevin whistled, "You all right, kiddo?"

"Yes." Willow answered and stood up and walked over to them.

"Do you feel all right?" Sue asked, Willow rubbed her eyes and looked up at her.

"I'm just tired is all."

"Is that all?" Kevin raised an eyebrow at her.

"What are you on about man?" Willow said casually while raising an eyebrow at him.

"Dear," Sue put an arm around the dark curly haired teenager and led her back to the sitting room. "You've been awfully quiet these past weeks. When Maggie comes around you've not been your usual chatty self."

"Not to mention the fact that Jonathan's been missing in action too. You two were inseparable." Kevin said simply, Sue shot him a look and then nodded slyly back to Willow. "Oh. Sorry," he smiled while Willow continued to narrow her eyes up at him.

"Have you two had a falling out?"

"No, why?"

"As dad just said, you've gone from seemingly being best friends to..."

"Nowt." Kevin said simply while picking up his keys, he said a quick bye before exiting for work.

"All right, spill it." Sue crossed her arms. "It's just us two here and anything you say I won't act on, unlike dad."

"We kissed." Willow said so simply that Sue had to double take to make sure she'd heard right. Most people when confessing to things such as this would be embarrassed, they'd avoid saying anything until they had no option but to talk. Willow on the other hand seemed to have no problem spilling the truth whatsoever.


"What do you mean 'and'? We kissed. That was it." Willow shrugged, Sue raised an eyebrow at her daughter.

"Yes see, Willow this is where you need to further your people skills." Sue sighed and rubbed her forehead thoughtfully. "When something like this happens, the people involved don't usually avoid each other for weeks. I presume it's weeks, is it? Yes. Well there I rest my case."

"Don't people usually avoid each other if they're like...feeling regret or...dislike or something..." Willow spoke quietly and looked down at the floor. Sue wrapped her arms around her and held her close. Willow suffered from a slight complex involving people, of course anyone who'd been abandoned by their parents would have a complex about other humans.

"Have you talked at all?" Sue asked while leaning her head on top of Willows. The teenager nodded. "See, then there is no dislike. Perhaps just embarrassment."

"Hm," Willow didn't seem to agree.

"Aren't you meant to be going out later anyway?"

"Yup, dress shopping with Maggie for prom, why?"

"Why not drop in and see him afterwards?" Sue looked down at Willow, she seemed to be thinking over the suggestion before nodding slowly.


The house was in darkness, and if Willow didn't know, she would say it was empty. A curtain twitched while she stood looking up at the dark building in front of her. Slowly walking up the steps she reached up and knocked on the door casually. The last time she'd been here was certainly eventful that was for sure. Looking up when the door opened she pulled her long stripped scarf and dark coat more around herself before walking inside.

Jonathan shut the door and turned to look at her. "What brings you here, Willow?" He asked casually, she frowned lightly and looked at him.

"We...well," Willow stopped abruptly, Jonathan just stood waiting for her to continue. "We've not really spoken for two weeks."

"It's been two weeks?" Jonathan said quietly while looking up at the ceiling. It seemed like he was speaking more to himself than to her. "Sorry, Willow, I've been distracted."

Willow looked around herself, the place still looked the same which begged the question of: "Distracted with what?" She asked while putting her bag on the floor and crossing her arms.

"Keep your curiosity, Willow, it'll led you to trouble."

"Fine!" Willow exclaimed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Are you going to this prom thing?"

"Yes." He answered simply, Willow looked at him deadpanned, she couldn't get used to the amount of times his mood had changed during this one conversation.


"Yes." Jonathan answered again and looked at her. "You are too?"

"Maggie said it's a must." Rolling her eyes she smiled, Jonathan nodded slowly. "How's Grandmother Crane?" Willow questioned simply. She'd not known the result of the moment she had with Jonathan two weeks ago. All Willow remembered was the screams and squawks of the old lady and the birds.

Jonathan sighed and shook his head. "Interesting that." Willow frowned and looked at him disturbed. "It seems some people aren't as resilient as others." He flicked his blue eyes up to look at her and smiled lightly. "I'll see you tomorrow, Willow. What time does it start again I've forgotten."

"Seven." Willow answered quietly. "Are you all right, Jonathan?"

"Yes, why?"

"You're acting...odd." Picking up her bag again she looked at him, he didn't answer but shrugged her words off, opening the door he put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her in her tracks.

"I am sorry if it came across as I was blanking you." Jonathan let go of her and sighed lightly. He looked down when Willow tapped him on the arm.

"Do you regret kissing me?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow at her question.


"All right," Willow sighed. "I thought you did and that's why you...I mean we, hadn't really spoken much." Shrugging she smiled up at him before stepping through the door. Shivering slightly at the cold she looked at him. "See you tomorrow." Jonathan nodded slowly and pulled her close, Willow looked over his shoulder confused before burying her face in his shirt.


(Edited: 30/Sep/2019)

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