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Sitting on a bench with her face leaning against her clipboard, Willow sighed. "Tiring day by any chance, dear?" A voice questioned from beside her. Looking slowly up and over the item in her hands she eyed Jonathan up before he slowly sat down next to her.

"What are you doing here?"

"That's so sweet of you, I come visit you at work and that's all I get?" Jonathan shook his head and received a playful nudge on the shoulder.

"Thank you for visiting me." Willow smiled and scooted closer to him on the bench. "But, yes is the answer to your earlier question. Have you finished?"

"Yes," Jonathan nodded and looked at her. "You don't have a clue what the time is do you?"

"Not a clue."

"It's nearly seven." Jonathan answered honestly, Willow's eyes widened slightly and she looked towards the nearest window. Sure enough, the night sky peeked over the tall buildings which surrounded the museum.

"Did you come here to escort me home?" Willow smiled sheepishly.

"I can't have you running into trouble again," Jonathan smiled, Willow was about to contradict his words but he beat her to it. "Simply because I don't have anything with me to counter the problems we'd likely to encounter."

"Firstly," Willow poked him on the arm. "The trouble I ran into last time, was mainly your fault. Secondly, good. I'm glad you don't just carry that stuff around with you. If you did I'd be deeply worried."

"More worried."

"Oh, no, my worry for you has dwindled. You're big enough and psycho enough to look after yourself."

"I'm not psychotic."

"Denial dear, Doctor Crane is not a good thing to suffer from." Willow looked up at him and smiled. "Haven't I already told you once you're not wired right?"

"Yes and I remember saying the same thing for you."

"Hm," Willow nodded and stood up slowly. Stretching her arms she picked up her clipboard and nodded at him. Jonathan stood up and followed Willow along the corridor towards the staff only room. "Two peas in a pod are we." She hummed lightly and typed in the code to unlock the door in front of her. "I'll be back in a minute." Jonathan merely nodded and leaned against the wall as Willow disappeared into the room.

Walking out of the room, Willow looked up at him, "Ready?" She questioned simply, Jonathan pushed away from the wall and walked alongside her back down the corridor, and down the stairs.

"How was your day?"

"Uneventful," Jonathan answered, Willow looked at him sceptically. "It may surprise you Willow, but even asylums can have off days." She still didn't look bought on his words which caused him to sigh. "I spent the day, well most of it, going over a patients file for court."

"And the truth comes out." Willow smiled and opened the door and walked out onto the street which still had people busying around on it. "Is this man a whacko?"

"Not my choice of words."

"So, that's a yes," Willow smiled, Jonathan shook his head and looked at her. "What?"

"Willow, you have such a way with words." He answered simply which caused her to laugh lightly and shake her head unsure.

The two of them continued walking down the street, but picked up their pace when the first rain drops of many seemed to crash down to the ground. They weren't the only ones who stood in the apartment buildings foyer looking slightly worse for wear.

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