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The next few days and weeks went by rather slowly. "You'll get a head rush sitting like that." Jonathan waved a pen over his shoulder in Willow's direction.

"The world looks so much more interesting upside down though." Willow answered back simply, she has half hanging off the bed, her head was almost touching the floor.

"If you start complaining, I won't sympathise with you."

"I wouldn't ask for any." Willow rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Jonathan turned and looked at her. Walking over he crouched down in front of her, Willow looked up at him and slowly rolled onto her stomach. "Yes?"

"Do you want to go out?"

Willow raised an eyebrow at him and then pouted and leaned her head against her hand. "Something tells me going out doesn't involve what most people would do." She rolled her other hand at him. "You know, movie, dinner...nah, that's too normal for you." Looking up at the ceiling she crossed her arms and leaned her head against her arms. "So pray tell Jonathan, what do you class as going out?"

"Oh, you know," Jonathan answered simply while moving away from her and picking up his jacket from the end of the bed. Pulling it on, he turned and looked at her, "A nice walk."

"Followed by throwing hallucinogenic gas at people." Willow nodded and suffered a narrow eyed look from Jonathan.

"Stay here then I won't be too long."

"I'm surprised," Willow said while sitting up and crossing her legs on the bed. Jonathan stopped in mid-turn and looked at her. "Testing on other people? Never thought I'd see the day."

"Would you prefer-"

"No. Go ahead," Willow waved her hands at him and smiled. "I won't wait up."

"You will." Jonathan rolled his eyes and left the room, a few seconds later the front door opened and shut.

Willow let out a heavy sigh once she was on her own. Collapsing back against the pillows she put her hands over her eyes. She wasn't too fond of the idea of Jonathan testing his science project on complete strangers. But as selfish as it sounded, she was a little grateful that she wasn't on the receiving end of Jonathan's scientific experiments.


"Three blind mice, three blind mice. See how they run, see how they run," Jonathan idly rhymed and watched as some random man ran away from him and went smacking into a lamp post.

The place which Jonathan had singled out to use as his experimentation area was a park. With it being dark there weren't that many people out. A few people walking dogs, a few teenagers loitering around no doubt plotting unlawful schemes. There were a few couples walking around too, Jonathan regarded them oddly before throwing smoke pellets at their feet. He then stood back leaning against a tree and watched as they lashed out at each other screaming.

Sighing he nodded slowly and made a mental note that even the most solid things could be broken down by a simple dose of fear. Hearing frantic barking Jonathan leaned around the tree and watched a dog chase its tail before falling to the floor. Raising an eyebrow he mused over this, were animals and their reactions to his toxins of interest? Partial interest yes, but not as much as the human mind. A shadow flitted across the field and in the distance, beyond the park gates a figure landed.

Jonathan rubbed his hands together slowly and thoughtfully. "Oh, Batman. I wonder what ails you." Jonathan rolled his eyes and walked along the tree line shadowing the man across from him. It seemed like Batman was scoping out the area, trying to figure out if it was safe or not.

His answer soon came in the form of one of the suffering dogs and the couple who had previously taken to hitting each other. Smiling lightly, Jonathan clicked his fingers and took this moment to sneak closer and hide in the shadows again. Of course, in the minds eye while suffering from whatever fear was plaguing them, a giant bat appearing would be so utterly terrifying they wouldn't be able to comprehend it. The attackers easily got dealt with and pushed to the side. There they laid, motionless and no longer screaming and suffering.

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