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The streets of Gotham near to the church were covered in thick snow. No sooner had Jonathan eaten, did he go off to find some different clothes. He'd more or less fell asleep in the clothes he'd lived in in the asylum, and broken out in. Sure enough, in the room nearest to the stairs were loads of his clothes. By loads, Jonathan noted how Willow seemed to have taken the majority of his wardrobe. Standing outside and looking up at the grey sky, Jonathan pulled his coat more around himself. He wasn't doing anything, just merely standing and enjoying the fresh air. It was so silent in this part of the city. The less desirable people didn't tend to venture out in the day.

"Scarf!" Willow exclaimed and ran towards a snowman and wrapped a hole ridden scarf around him. Shaking his head he continued to lean against the wall. Willow seemed to turn even more childlike in the snow.



"Have you never been in the snow before?" He questioned, it was odd. The way she acted one would think she'd never encountered the cold white substance.

"Before I came here I lived in Star City."

"When you say 'before' you mean when you were still with your biological family?"

"Mmhmm," she nodded. "The city didn't get snow often. When it did it wasn't much. Unlike here," Willow looked skywards. "Gotham seems to get thrashed by the weather...so no, is the answer to your question. Not really. Remember when we were younger? It never really snowed." Willow skipped over to him carefully. "Only because the climates getting sodded around it's decided the weather should play up big time."

"Don't stay out too long, you'll catch a cold."

"Where are you off to?"

"Nowhere, I'm just going inside." Jonathan smiled and put a hand on her head, the beanie hat was protecting her from most of the cold. Yet Willow still shivered slightly. Turning away Jonathan put a hand on the door and stopped when something impacted with his back. Turning back around he looked to Willow, she was crouching near a snowman seemingly perfecting its arm.

She couldn't stay serious for long and burst out laughing. "I'm sorry! It was just too hard to resist. I don't think I'll like your form of revenge..." Willow's mind filled with Jonathan's varied ways of getting revenge on her. Most led to her getting tested on unfortunately.

"Revenge? Who said I was going to get revenge on you?"

"Jonathan, you're such a liar." Willow stood up and brushed snow from her trousers.

Shrugging and stepping forward, Jonathan idly looked over the mini snowman army Willow had created. She was either very bored, or just got carried away. Willow shuffled back from him and couldn't help the odd giggle which escaped her lips. Putting her gloved hands over her mouth she darted sidewards and scampered off as quickly as she could. The only problem was it was icy, and Jonathan had a much longer leg stride than her so it didn't take long for him to catch up with her.

Only when he found her she was laying in a mound of snow looking mournfully up at the sky. "I fell." The way she said it sounded like she was so sorry for herself in a childish way that Jonathan couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Don't laugh at me, it hurt." Willow pouted, Jonathan shook his head and held his hands out to her. Instead of helping her up, she pulled him down. "Revenge for laughing at me."

"You've rightfully attacked me twice for no reason. That's not fair."

"Whatever." Willow looked at him quickly before looking back up at the sky.

"As much fun as it is laying in snow, getting cold, I really think we should get in before it snows again." Jonathan stood up carefully and brushed the snow from his coat. Turning around he hesitantly held his hands out. This time Willow complied and put her hands in his and got pulled to stand. The only problem was once she was back to a vertical stance she winced and hopped slightly. "What's wrong?"

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