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Tracing surveillance footage, Bruce was able to follow the trail which Jonathan and Willow travelled in. It was a keep sake idea, even he could figure that out. They purposely got caught on camera as a way to prove they weren't in the city. The only problem was, one of them was an escaped inmate from an asylum. Either way, they were going to get caught, and one of them – if not both – were going to get put in a cell.

The roads were rather clear despite it being the end of the Christmas weekend, most people took to travelling back home as soon as possible. Most cars tended to stop and pull over if they spotted the sleek black car speeding down the road. The Batmobile was treated in a similar fashion to a police car. Which was a little ironic when Bruce pondered over the matter.

The road he was travelling down stretched out and small but quaint little houses replaced what was once skyscraper buildings along the side of the stretch of road.

Pulling over and into a small lane he switched the engine off and jumped out. He had purposely waited until night had fallen to travel out of the city to find the two people who were most likely at fault with the Christmas predicament. There were so many innocent people laid up in every available bed in the hospitals in Gotham. Each person was being treated for the same thing, but some people were worse than others. Some people had to be restrained to the beds because of the thrashing they did through fear.

As much as Bruce hated to admit it, it was cleverly and quickly done. Luckily enough the toxins which were used weren't that much different to the ones he'd been previously bothered by. He'd managed to make an antidote and pass it on to the hospitals, it was their jobs to recreate it and inject it into the patients. Hopefully, if all was well with the antidote, the previously fear stricken people would be right as rain in a few hours.

Sticking to the shadows, he walked as quietly as he could along the street. His boots crunched against the snow and left shallow imprints. A house to his right stood menacingly dark amongst the Christmas light covered houses surrounding it. Hearing whistling he stepped forward. A familiar curly haired woman walked around the front garden building snowmen. Bruce couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at this. "Willow."

She stopped and looked at him. "Hello! Happy Christmas, Batman." She smiled and picked up the ball of snow she had created and put it on the mound on the floor. Leaning down she poked two eye holes and drew a smile on its face.

"Willow, you need to come back with me."

"Do I have to?" Willow shuffled through the snow and leaned against the bar fence. Wrapping her hands around the bars, she looked at him. "How did you track us so quickly?"

"I have my ways."

"Hm," Willow looked at her hands which were red and sore from the cold of the snow. Willow let out a sigh and a childish smile before bolting back and towards the doors of the house. Letting out a sigh he jumped up and over the bar fencing and ran towards the door too, pushing it open all that greeted him was darkness.

"Intruder? We have a rodent problem, a flying rodent problem at that." Jonathan's voice spoke from above.

Setting his eyes towards the main staircase, he frowned. "Crane."

"Hello, Batman, have a good Christmas did you? It must have been very eventful. After all-" Jonathan's sentence got cut off by a well aimed batarang. Jonathan side stepped, and Bruce had to jump back when his batarang got sent back at him by Willow. Oddly enough her aim was just as good as his own so he only just managed to miss his own weapon. Willow narrowed her eyes in his direction the stood back up straight. Jonathan let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. Putting a hand on Willow's shoulder he nudged her towards the stairs, only not the stairs which led down to him, but the ones that led up to the other level. "Now that wasn't very polite of you, was it?" Jonathan flung his hands in the air and the tilted his head to Willow. "Run."

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