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The mansion was eerie, and a little scary. Willow stuck to the shadows and made her way up to the main entrance room. There was not a soul wandering the halls, not even Batman was here. Or she thought he wasn't. Considering he stuck to the shadows too, Willow highly doubted she'd obviously see him. Unless they were both shuffling about in the same section of shadows. Willow's eyes widened at this thought, that'd be highly embarrassing. "Fancy bumping into you in this nice piece of darkness, Batman." Willow mumbled and turned the corner. Eyeing up the foyer she sighed. No one was here. It truly felt like she was the only person wandering around this huge building.

Eyeing up the metal scanners she stayed clear of them and walked up to a locked cabinet. Picking up a blunt object she took to bashing at the lock. Because of the cheaply made cabinet it didn't take much force to get the lock off. Flinging open the door, Willow's eyes scoured over all the tablets in their containers. Reading the labels it took her a little while to find the right ones. Eyeing up some really strong painkillers she put them down. She wanted Jonathan to take something to ease his pain, not knock him out cold!

Pocketing the containers she jumped away from the cabinet and rushed back the way she came. Hearing fighting noises from a nearby hallway, she peered around the corner. It seemed she wasn't totally alone in this building. Batman easily fought off two secure unit inmates. Not waiting for him to finish and notice her, Willow ran off quietly and quickly. When she returned to the little room, Jonathan was hunched up in a chair leaning his head against an arm which was on the table. His other arm was wrapped around his ribs.

Shutting the door quietly, she walked over and crouched next to him. Putting a hand on his back carefully she looked at him when he lazily opened his eyes and looked down at her. "You all right there, Jonathan?"

"Yes, I'm fine." He straightened up with difficulty and looked at her. He could see she didn't believe him but Willow didn't question it any more. Reaching into her pockets she pulled out the containers and opened one up. Standing up and quickly walking to the water dispenser in the room she got a cup of water and walked back to the desk.

Reading over the label she took two out and put them in his hand. Jonathan looked a little dissatisfied with the tablets in his hands and looked up at her. "If you have any more you'll overdose!" Willow exclaimed. "You don't need more than two. They're really strong."

"You personally know?" Jonathan asked a little irritated. It wasn't Willow he was irritated at, it was the pain which was making him grouchy. The pain had raised a level since her departure.

"No, but I remember seeing some inmates get forced one and it made them dopey."

"Is it safe having two then?" Jonathan popped one of the pills into his mouth and swallowed it with the water.

"...Well...two would be for the best in case one doesn't even scratch the pain."

"Spoken like a doctor, almost."

"Almost." Willow laughed quietly and sat down next to him.

Popping the other pill into his mouth Jonathan quickly swallowed it too. He was grateful of Willow being quiet this one time. Shutting his eyes he leaned back slowly in the chair. He was also grateful of her offering to hunt out some medication for him. "Willow?"

"Yes?" She looked up at him.

Opening his eyes he looked up at the dark ceiling before tilting his head to the side and looking at her. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it!" She exclaimed quietly. Jonathan shut his eyes again and kept a constant pressure on his ribs. It didn't hurt as much if there was pressure against them. "Sit up," Willow said in a rather demanding tone. Looking at her sceptically he did so, but slowly. Reaching down Willow unbuttoned her shirt, Jonathan looked away and up at the ceiling again. "Move your arms." He looked at her and nodded slowly, of course she had a vest top on underneath her shirt. Willow carefully managed to take his jacket off too, folding her shirt in a certain way so it was oblong in shape she turned to him. "Sorry, and if I hurt you, scream or yell at me or...I don't know, insult me in some way, all right?"

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