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It showed how quickly the people in charge wanted to try and forget that Jonathan even worked here. Regardless of the fact that his office had been walled up, the bright sparks in charge never cut off the electricity. Jumping slightly when the computer sparked into life, Jonathan twirled in the dusty chair and pushed his glasses up his nose. Hearing banging he looked up, "Willow, what are you doing?"

"Trying to open this file cabinet." She reasoned simply while quickly looking at him.

"Why? It's not yours to try and rummage through."

"Jonathan, can I rummage through your old files?"

"No." With this he looked back at the computer and quickly brushed dust off of the keyboard. Typing and quickly bypassing what there was left of the security he managed to get access to the surveillance cameras. From the surveillance cameras he was also able to access the maps of the island, and of the different buildings which resided on it. Leaning back and soon regretting this he looked over his shoulder at the dust which now clung to his jacket. Turning back to the screen he pulled up a search bar. Looking up at the ceiling thoughtfully, he let out a sigh just as Willow let out an aww'ing sound. Frowning his eyes slid from the ceiling to her. "You all right there?"

"You look so adorable when thinking. Well...it's more, you look adorable when you look so puzzled! Or...or! When you're working. Yes," Willow nodded quickly while putting a finger to her chin in thought. "Now that I think about it, you do look quite adorable when working."

Jonathan looked at her blankly and then shook his head. "Perhaps you can help me."


"How good is your memory?"

"Rhetorical question?"

"No, not at all."

"Sarcasm then?"

"None whatsoever." Jonathan said and waved a hand at her, "Come here." Willow stopped trying to break into the file cabinet and walked over to his desk. She sat on the edge of the desk and looked at the dusty computer screen. "This," Jonathan tapped a finger on the screen and ignored the layer of dust which now laid on his skin. "This allows us to search for any member of staff."

"That's cool!"

"Yes, but there's a hitch."


"It only responds to the numbers on the identification cards which each and every member of staff have."

"You're kidding right? That's dumb!"

"No, and I know." Jonathan answered with a sigh.

"So, which number are you trying to remember?"


"Aw, Doctor Kellerman you mean."

"Oh yes, you're quite right, Willow. I'm trying to remember Doctor Kellerman's identification number."

"Why only the numbers?"

"Because if an inmate happens to manage to hack onto the system, they'd easily be able to find whoever. From that they can track them through security footage."

"Hence why you have the security up along with that search bar."


"I've never taken part in a manhunt before."

"Willow, don't say manhunt it makes this whole thing sound brutal. Like we're hunting him down like the villagers did to the Frankenstein monster."

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