9. Grey Clouds

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"What do you suddenly have against hotels?" Ibrahim Ahmad asked, his hands on wheel and eyes on his cousin.

Dahlia went stiff momentarily. "Hotels aren't beneficial to the society," she responded. "They make the rich richer and the poor poorer."

"Hm." Ibrahim mused, "Don't think I'll forget this the next time we travel somewhere and you refuse to stay anywhere but in a five star hotel."

Dahlia shot him a sour look.

"When did you become best friends with Kaveh Fayyad?" she asked, her tone accusing.

"I'm not," Ibrahim replied, as calmly as possible. "I just don't understand what you have against him."

"I don't have anything against that man!" Dahlia replied. "He's the one who's calling people homeless."

"Dels." Ibrahim shot her a pointed look. "I mean I get that hotels aren't exactly non-profit organizations, but they are not evil either. They don't have to be. Like Kaveh said, they create a lot of employments and they do serve a certain purpose in society."

Besides, our family business isn't a nonprofit organisation either," he continued.

"What's your point?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"My point is that, I've never heard you so concerned about the society before and I've never heard you complain about our line of work either," he replied, giving her a look.

"So, what? Are you calling me a phony?" Dahlia said angrily. "Are you saying I don't actually believe in anything I said, but I was just pretending to?"


Dahlia dropped her jaw as she stared at her cousin.

Ibrahim laughed at her reaction. "I think you just lost your calm and said somethings for the sake of attacking that man."

Dahlia gritted her teeth and looked away, a little part of her - a deceitful part of her - agreeing with her brother.

"But dad does a lot of charity." Dahlia huffed, trying to keep some of her arguments relevant.

"How do you know Kaveh doesn't?"

Hearing that man's name being uttered made her wrinkle her nose. "He wasn't exactly nice to me either," she said, at last admitting defeat.

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