34. Brunch of Regrets

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I apologize for the chapter title beforehand

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I apologize for the chapter title beforehand.


Winter passed in the blink of an eye.

Farrah spent her days without change. She focused on work, spent time at home, and once in a while spoke to two of her best friends. The controversies regarding her broken engagement simmered down as people lost interest and moved on to something else; however, the extent of the damage on the relationship between the two parties became irreparable.

On New Year's eve, Farrah stood on the roof top with Rani and watched their sky illuminate with fireworks as they welcomed another year.

On one weekend, Dahlia arranged for them to meet up for brunch. Farrah had not left the house, except for work, after all the drama transpired; and she welcomed the change. Along with Layla, the three went to a local restaurant and spent time over Eggs Benedict, French Toast and orange juice served in champagne flutes. They strolled by the street afterwards, lazily gazing at the windows of the boutiques and chatting.

Farrah eyed a midnight blue top. The Spring flowers were already budding, and the new collections being displayed showed it. The girls went inside the store at her request and they were greeted by the sweet girl of the fancy boutique. Her friends found some unconventional places to seat on and Farrah put on the linen top .

She checked herself out in the full length mirror. It didn't look half bad, and she knew it would look adorable with the silver ankle boots collecting dust at some corner of her closet.

Farrah decided to try on a few more items. She grabbed some more tops, skirts and pants and proceeded to the trial room. She made sure all of them were long and flowy - as much as she loved fashion, modestly wasn't something she compromised on.

Farrah always made sure her attires were decent and covering, even though she did not put on the headscarf. Yet. She had tried, its just something she couldn't bring herself to do. Farrah spent a lot of time blaming her parents, the society and even the bullies at school for making it tough for her to wear hijab, but deep down inside she knew it was herself that was preventing her from doing it. She just had to buckle down and make the change. Farrah made a mental note to add wearing hijab to her list of things she wanted to accomplish by this year.

She tried the selected clothes and her friends started pointing to each guy that entered the store and call them each other's husbands.

"That guy in the yellow shirt will be your next husband, Layla. Ha ha ha..." Dahlia gasped for breath.

"No, check out that old man. Maybe if we ask nicely he'll agree to become your sugar daddy!"

"Okay, okay. Fari has to marry the next guy that enters," Dahlia said, moving to the edge of her seat with excitement.

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