Chapter 1 - We Meet Again

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I'm back in Brooklyn and I just opened up my own nail shop I had my best friend Zanae with me I loved her she was always there for me.  I graduated early when I was in the 11th grade I had alot of credits and I extremely high GPA. Then I moved to the city for nail school for 4 years. 

"Mama and Dad really wanna see you." Zanae told me. yea Zanae was younger then me but I was always the big sister for her a looked after her even when I was in the city I visited her or I bought her train tickets to come see me. 

"Alright then lets go, I wanna go see them to I miss them." I said we got in my car and we drove to the house since Zanaes mama us to be a singer she had a nice big house and plus Zanaes daddy owned the drug buisness so you know they made billions together. I walked in and seen mama and dad atleast thats what I called them because when I was younger and something happened at my house they always took me in and took care of me. 

"Mama!" I said with a smile she ran over to me and hugged me really tight.

"Look at my sweetbaby all grown up!" She said looking like she was gonna cry. "Zanae is told me you got your own shop and she's one of the managers." 

"Yup, Zanae's really good at nails so I wanted her to be the manager and help me out at the place. Wheres Dad?" I ask. 

"He's out working with Kalen but they will be back tonight." She said. Then there was a knock on the door when Zanae opened it I seen Andre I knew this shit was gonna happen but I didn't know it was this soon I seen a little girl in his hand knowing that was the baby he had with that chick. The child was so pretty. He seen me and his eye's lit up. 

"Hey Telia ian know you was back." He said smiling. 

"Hey Killa." I said. Killa was his street name he hated me calling him that but I did I could see the cringe on his face when I said it to. 

"Well I gotta do somethings I'll catch you later Telia." Zanae says I gave her the stink eye because she is so petty leaving me like this shit chuckled I gave her a hug and she went and mama went upstairs. 

"Dawdy who twhis?" The little girl said in a cute voice. 

"Crystal this is Telia a old friend of mine." He said. I couldn't believe he named her Crystal..That was my middle name I guess he never let go of me. 

"She pwetty." She said smiling. 

"Aww thanks babygirl you are really pretty too." I said smiling at her. She started laughing. He put her down. 

"Hey why don't you go and play with Grandma upstairs." He says and thats what she does. 

"Crystal huh." I said to him. 

"I never let go of you." He said .


I hated that I broke Telia, when she called me Killa I just cringed she never ever called me that. I still remember the last words she said to me and it hurt me but I know it hurt her more. 


"When did this start Andre!?"  She yelled at me with tears. 

"8 mouths ago It was an accident but when I found out she was pregnant I stayed and we just kept going on I'm sorry I love you so much Telia." I said. 

"8 mouths! We been together for 2 years! You know how many niggas came up to me that I could have fucked and cheated on you with!? But I never did because I only loved one nigga and to me you was the only nigga for me!? While I was being down and loyal to you, you was cheating and fucking and got a bitch pregnant!" She was in full tears just yelling at me.

"Please Telia I'm sorry!" I say. 

"No nigga! Fuck you! I hate you!!"  She said and walked out. 


"I Never let go of you." I said to her. 

" don't start that shit." She said. I nodded. "She's pretty she looks just like you." She said to me. 

"Thanks alot of people say that." I said. "How you been?" 

"Good after finishing school I opened up a nail shop here so I'm back for good." She says.

"I'm happy for you, you know I would like to take you out." I say. 

"Andre you know thats not gonna happen." She says. 

"I just wanna catch up." I say smirking. Telia could never say no to me. 

"Fine but just to catch up." She says to me. 

"Tomorrow at 2:00 I'm picking you up." I say. "Gimme your number" I say she rolled her eye's and gave me her phone I hated when she rolled her eye's. But, I'm not gonna lie I was happy I was gonna get my baby back and this was a good start I know it was gonna be hard and I was gonna have to earn her trust but I'm Loyal as shit know and I just wanted her. 




YES! this is book 2 you guys did really good on the first one! THANK YOU SO MUCH I honestly love you guys so much.

but thoughts on the book so far? 

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