Chapter 20 - gendar reveal

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today is the big day I figure out what I'm having and me and Andre are so excited mama planned this big ole "surprise" party at her house . So, of course she already knows the gender but shes the only one that knows ! Andre wants a boy I definitely want a girl but I'm fine with either.

Yella has met the whole family and he's already like one of our own him and Andre hang out allot which is good! I like him for Zanae she's dated some real assholes in the past and I'm so happy she found someone good for her soul. 

But anyways.....

I woke up first so I got Crystal up and going for the day the reveal was at 1 and it was 10 am.

me and Crystal started on some breakfast me and Andre been letting her cook with us.

"I hope it's a girl" she says and smiles

"Me too baby " I chuckled at her

"So I can teach her how to be good and strong " Crystal smiles big with all her teeth showing. I swear Crystal is 5 and she is so intelligent sometimes it's like I'm speaking with a 10 year old i hate she has already gone through so much, she's one strong girl I'll tell you that.

Me and Crystal are jamming to some Erykah Badu when I hear Andre coming up behind us singing with us

"I think you better call Tyrone "

"Call him" Crystal said being funny . We all laughed

"What my ladys cooking up" he smiled hugging and giving us both kisses on the forehead .

"French toast and sausage daddy" Crystal smiled

"Ouweee thank you my queens" he said setting up the table.


After we sat down and ate and cleaned up me and Andre got crystal ready then we got ourselves ready for our reveal. I'm nervous but most of all excited .

I look in the mirror and start rubbing my tummy in my thoughts Andre just stares at me and smiles the whole time.

"What" I laugh

"How did I get so lucky with such a beautiful woman " he says walking towards me and hugs me from behind leaving me chills. 

"You got yo act together " I chuckle and so does he.

He kisses me neck and then spins me around and kisses my lips gently . Lord I love that shit. He still manages to take my breath away after all these years

"I love you beautiful " he says to me

"I love you to my love" I kiss his cheek and then his lips .

We get in the shower and get ready....

I had on this long, sleeve, cute, pink, lace, dress that flirred out on the bottom with some cute pink heels that tied up at the top to match.  Andre had on a blue polo shirt with white stripes, some nice areopostal Jean's with some white air force ones.

We had crystal in this cute pink dress with some white sandals to match me it was the cutest I swear.


We got to Mamas and we opened the door and it was such a nice set up . We had just a basic pink and blue theme I didn't wanna go to extreme but Chyna did good! The cupcakes and cake was so cute. And lord she had them meatballs and wings and so many other foods I loved I was so thankful

"I love it mama! Thank you so much " I gave her a big hug and kiss on the cheek

"Of course baby anything for you,  you know I had to do my thing and oh my God your getting so big ! Lemme take some pictures of yall together " she said while getting her camera . We took some pics and said hello to everyone else it was all the family basically and some of Andre buddys from the business.

We spent the whole time eating and talking opening some gifts people gave me . It was always nice to have everyone together especially the kids .

It was that time to do the reveal , mama had set up a big balloon I was gonna pop with a pin. We all went outside and made sure everyone was out here . My nerves was up I was so excited. Everyone had there camera going and they started to count down

1 ,2, 3 , POP!

Pink sparkles and dust came flying out. 

Yesssss! Andre picked me up and kissed me I started to cry . I GOT MY GIRL . I GOT TWO GIRLS🥺.

Crystal came running to me and I picked her up.

"Your getting that sister you wanted " she kissed my cheek and then rubbed my belly

"I promise to take care of you" she said which melted my heart . I was balling crying at this point I put Crystal down and Andre held me .

"You always get what you want" he whispers in my ear I chuckle he gives me a big kiss on my forehead then kisses my belly. Lord I could never be so happy. Everyone came up to me congratulating me individually.

We cut some cake had some cupcakes passed out left overs and cleaned up as everyone started to leave.

Crystal was gonna stay the night at Mamas so me and Andre got some alone time tonight. 

Everything is just falling into place,  I love it my business is booming , I got the love of mylife , the best support system ever, and a child thats not mine but I'll forever treat her like mine and another child on the way.

I'm at peace,  and I pray god keeps me bless


So yeaa shes having a little girl🥺!!!

What should we name her you guys??? Give me some suggestions!

And also sorry if theres allot of errors or if the lay out of how it's written is weird I'm writing on a phone and I used to write on a laptop but it broke so bear with me please😩!

I love you guys please dont forget to leave some feed back and a vote 😘


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