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Hoseok pulls up in his black Subaru Impreza WRX, putting on his hazard lights when he sees Jimin sitting on the curb, staring at his bloody hands, bloodstained hair matted to his forehead as the rain beats down on him

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Hoseok pulls up in his black Subaru Impreza WRX, putting on his hazard lights when he sees Jimin sitting on the curb, staring at his bloody hands, bloodstained hair matted to his forehead as the rain beats down on him.

Seokjin steps out from the passenger's seat, throwing his cigarette down and stepping on it. "Fuck, Jimin we have to go," He says, pulling the boy up to his feet. Jimin doesn't speak, he just allows Seokjin to help him into the back seat before he scrambles to get into the passenger's seat again. Hoseok speeds off to the hospital, the two trying to get as much information from the boy as they can,

"What happened? Do you know who did it? Did you recognize the car?"

"I don't know, I don't..." Jimin sniffles. He's freezing and he feels sniffly from the rain and he's afraid, he's worried for his boyfriend and he clutches his pendant, closing his eyes. He tries to remember what he can. "I only saw a black car... that's all, it was a Nissan or something," Jimin says, trying his best to remember.

"Old or new?" Hoseok asks, looking up into the rearview mirror at the boy.

"Old," Jimin says, almost a whisper as Hoseok pulls into the hospital parking lot and before he can even fully reverse into a spot, Jimin is hopping out of the car and running towards the hospital doors.

"Fuck! Jimin get back here!"

Jimin doesn't listen because he needs to see Yoongi as he pushes the hospital doors open like a crazy person, storming towards the front desk, patients and visitors widening their eyes. Doctors and Nurses stare curiously.

"Sir, are you okay? Where are you bleeding from?" A nurse asks worriedly as she walks up to him.

"It's not my blood," Jimin snaps as he walks up to the desk, slamming his bloody hands against the top of the desk. "Where's my boyfriend?" He asks loudly and the woman jumps in fear, taking in Jimin's appearance.

His hair is wet and what used to be blonde has streaks of a crimson colour, cheek and hands covered in blood and shirt ripped and bloodstained. His eyes are wild. "I— Uh—" she says, taken back by the boy. "What's the patient's name?" She asks as Seokjin and Hoseok walk into the hospital hurriedly, eyes landing on the boy who's trying to keep his cool.

"Min fucking Yoongi," he growls out at her, taking out his anger on her without meaning to and he feels a hand touch his shoulder. The woman hurries to type into the computer to search for some information.

"Jimin," Hoseok says and Jimin snaps his head to him, pupils dilated and nostrils flaring. "Please calm down," he says worriedly. "I'm scared too," he tells him, trying to sympathize with him because he knows how he feels.

He's known Yoongi for almost his entire life since he moved into their neighbourhood. They were inseparable, he, Yoongi and Namjoon.

"You weren't there, you didn't see him, he saved me," Jimin cries out. "He took a bullet for me a-and he was in my arms, he was bleeding everywhere and I tried helping," he says, getting choked up by his own words. The couple look at Jimin with sad eyes, "he was calm, he didn't freak out he was just quiet, I didn't tell him I loved him then, what if he can't hear me say that ever again?" He asks, his eyes welling up with tears.

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