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Alice POV

Beep, beep, beep. Inhale, exhale, inhale..

Each sound was like a cry for help. I could hear myself, I could hear my body fighting. I could feel it fighting.

I knew it would never be able to fight off what amphitrite has done, which will baffle the doctors of course. But it's not my job to worry about that.

The monitor next to me confirmed my aliveness. I felt numb.

I could barely open my eyes, I slid up, my whole body ached in excruciating pain.

I heard a ton of whispers. And when I opened my eyes I was almost in shock.

Zeus sat with one leg perched over the other, a watch gracing his wrist and a newspaper in hand. A serious look painted his face.

Hermès and Apollo seemed whisked away into a quietly heated argument.

Ares slumped in a chair asleep, but had a knife in his hand, always alert.

Another man whom I didn't recognize sat closest to me, with a hand covering mine.

Once I slid it out of his reach he noticed I was awake.

This caused a ripple affect when suddenly every god in the room stared at my beaten body as I attempted to sit up, and I whimpered in pain. It was as if amphitrites cut started to spread, and when I looked at my arm, I realized it had. The veins that I could actually see around my wound, due to the fact that it was finally covered up with bandages, began to turn purple.

They noticed it too.

"We've been waiting so long," Hermès said.

"How long have I been out?" I said with a weak voice.

The man next to me spoke first, "About a week," his eyes were consumed with worry, I was so confused as to why they were all here and so concerned with my well being.

"What're you guys doing here? Where is my dad?" I asked.

"You're Poseidon's fated love, Alice. Even though you may not feel like it, we will still protect you no matter what. Even if he doesn't." Zeus said with a bit of spite laced in his voice. My head ached at the thought of Poseidon and that whole mess of a situation. I pushed it to the back of my mind and tried to handle my dumbfounded expression at the amount of men in the room. Not just men, but God's at that..

"Your father is in the cafeteria downstairs, we made sure they had frito pie today to stall him so we could actually visit, not stalk you from the waiting room," Hermès chuckled.

I sighed in pleasure to know he was safe and knew where I was.

Suddenly the door opened and Ares' hid his knife
beneath his jacket, and all eyes fell upon the beautiful nurse. Her skin a rich milky brown, she appeared to be Arabian, and her eyes matched her skin but yet somehow they twinkled brightly. Her expression to the boys in the room was almost worse than mine.

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