Love and Forgiveness

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                        Chapter Seven

**Drake Pov** Europe.

It almost a month but I'm still longing for her. I hope Mike gave the Bluerose necklace to her. I can't even contact Mike. "Sighed" I went inside the bathroom to take my shower.  I need to attend School here in Europe. Someone open the door of my room.  I  hear  Estella voice.

Drake, were going to belate.  "She said"

Get out of my room. I'm taking a bath. "I said. "

"Ohhh..  I can help you taking your bath."Estella laugh loud.

"Hey, don't ever come near.  Get out. Ok!!. "I shouted at her.

Ok2x. My lovey dovely sweetheart. Hahaha.  I'll go ahead. I will not wait for you anymore.  I'm already late in my first class. See you in school.  " I didn't answer at her anymore. I really don't want to be with her inside my car. She's so naughty and keeps on flirting with.. Damn. I finish my bath as Estella get out.  I get my wallet and stare at Susie photo.      I take the photo without her notice when she is in cafeteria with her friend Missy the day before the incident that night.  My heart broke into pieces,I regret for what I did to her. Her tears torn my heart again and again.. ". Forgive me, Forgive me. " I murmured to myself.

*Susie Pov*

Me and my mom busy packing up our luggage. I told my mom, I want to live to her hometown and give birth there. 

Susie. All is done. I 'll go out and call a taxi. We need to be early at the bus terminal."

"Ok, mom.  I'll bring our luggage out. " I said.
Minutes later the taxi arrive. We hop in and said to the driver, "to bus terminal please. 

We've arrived as bus terminal and hop in the bus.  We didn't wait for an hour the bus driver start his engine.  I was asleep the whole time until we reach my mom hometown.

She rented a small house near the beach.  The water is blue as the sky. The sand is white like an ivory. 
I smiled as I inhaled the air and feel the breeze of the ocean. 

Susie.  Come here.  Let's eat.  And you need to rest.  I'll take care of our things. "My mom said.

I'll help you mom.  Your tired too.  "I said.

We finised our lunch. I'am happy with my mom on my side. I hug her tightly. Hmmmmmmm.

By the way Susie. I got a job at Torres factory. My salary is enough for our daily expenses. So you just stay at home ok. Mom will work for now.  Raise well the child on your belly. Ok. Mother should be healthy so that the child too.  "Mom, smiled at me, and hug me back. 

"While mom at work, I'll all the chores in the house.  I cook for her everyday.  As Months goes by my belly becoming much bigger. The baby is moving, kicking me my belly . I'm in the clouds as I feel him in my belly.  Soon I will be seeing him. I smiled thinking on what he looks like.  I'm holding his clothes that my mom bought.  "It's too tiny, my dear. You will look like this. ," I was talking to the baby inside my womb.  My Phone suddenly Ring.. Missy is Calling. I pick up the phone and answer Missy call.

"Hello, Missy."I said.

"Hello, Susie, how are you? Missy asked.

"I'm good. How's your school? I asked her too.

"Oh.  Fine.  But I don't have any friends to hungout with.  By the way, it's next month is due right? You will see you baby soon.  "Missy said.

Yes, I hope you can visit me here. "I replied.

Yes, I will. Take care ok.  Susie, I'll go now. The professor is here already.  Bye. "Missy hung up her phone.

I go out and take a walk along the beach while waiting for mom to arrive home.  Time flies so fast. I'll be a mother soon. I sigh thinking I 'm too young to be a mother and a single parent.  But I was relief thinking of my mom who's giving me strenght everyday. 

**End of Chapter Seven**

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Exciting, More Chapter Soon...

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