Love and Forgiveness

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                        Chapter Seventeen

**Drake Pov**
I saw my dad sitting on his wheelchair waiting for me in the living room holding a glass of wine.   He signal me to come closer to him. All of a sudden he threw the glass of wine at me.  I startled.

"You ungrateful jerk.  Estella father called me that you want to break off the engagement with Estella." My father said. 

Yes, it's true dad.  In the first place,  I don't want this engagement.  I don't like Estella. "I replied.

And whom  do you like?, that PS  of your's? "He  asked.

Yes,"I raise my voice." Yes, she's the one I like, I love. This time I don't let anyone will separate us.  Not even you dad. I won't allow it to happen. " I replied.

Your insane!!  He shouted. " did you ever think what will happen to your position to our company if you messed up with Ricaforte's? "He said.

No matter it is, I'm ready to take the risk.

Can't you understand I'm doing this for you.

No.. Dad.. Your doing this for your got damn sake not mind.  I don't want to argue with you dad.  I'm tired, I'm going to my room. "I left him at the living room.

Drake!!!!!! Come back here.. "His full of anger. He sighed and Secretary Lee came.

Sir, this is result of the DNA test.. " Secretary Lee said.
If your done eating Noah. Let's go home granny is waiting for Noah. "I said to him.

Yes, mama.

Secretary Lee enter the restaurant and seat on the table where Susie and Noah seated.

Wait a minute sir, I will just clean the table. "The waittress said.

It's ok."He picks up the spoon, Noah used.  and he put it in small plastic bag and hide it inside his pocket.  The waittress starting to clean the table.  He stood up and went out of the restaurant.

Master Yushen, the DNA result is out..  "Secretary Lee said.

Master Yushen open the envelop and read the result, he never thought that this would happen. That incident 5yrs ago will leave an evidence to ruin his son.  The son of Susie is the son of Drake. 99% match.

Secretary Lee, I want you to keep this just between you and me. I don't want Drake will know about this.  Drake still inlove with her, if he knew that he had a child with that woman, he will do anything for his son and for that woman.  This thing can ruin his life and that woman will know that Drake raped her 5yrs ago.  Drake could go to prison. "Master Yushen said.

Yes, Master Yushen.  " secretary lee replied.


Goodmorning, my Susie, roses for you. "Drake greeted me and giving a three stoke of red roses. My heart beats fast, my face turn's red, I'm still on cloud nine and hallucinating, I still in disbelief that Drake Yushen is my boyfriend now. 

Our co-worker looking at us, I feel a little bit ashamed. Maybe they think I seduce our boss despite on knowing he is already engagement.

People are watching. I don't want them to have bad impression on me. Can you go to your office?!! "Sending him away. He smiled at me then went to his office..  Owhhh, that's smile, I really hate the way he smiled at me,  it made my body melt.  I shake my head to wash away the thoughts on my mind.  Ms. Yang suddenly appear infront of my desk.

Hey, Ms. PS.. You look like the petal of these roses. "Ms. Yang said.

Am I? "I replied, ms. Yang notice that I 'm still blushing.  I hold my cheeks with my two hands.  Ms. Yang smiled with a teased.
"Ms. Yang it's not what you think, okay.. "I assured to her, but it's a lie. 

Okay, okay..  This is for you. "She give an evelop. I look at her with curiosity of what this envelop for.

It's an invitation. Warm welcome party for new hired employee like you.  It's a tradition to this company to give warm welcome party for new members in the company. See you tonight. "She left my desk. I open the envelop and read the information in it.  The party will held at Yushen Resthouse,at 7 pm in the evening...

Yushen Resthouse...........

**End of Chapter Seventeen**


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