Love and Forgiveness

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                      Chapter Eighteen

**Yushen Rest House**
**Susie Pov**
Missy and I arrived at Yushen Resthouse at almost 8pm in evening.  The Place was so  elegant and huge.Missy and I started to walk through the place of the event. Every foots steps we made I was mesmerized by the surroundings. Swimming pool is huge csn accommodate lots of people. The garden was full of imported flowers. As we entered the door  I feel something strange, I suddenly feel that I've been here before but I can't remember when. The place seems familiar to my senses. "Maybe I 'm hallucinating, how can I be here... If... ".My thoughts cut off went Drake approach us.

"Hi. Susie and Missy." Drake greeted us.
"Susie, I'll go to get some drinks". Missy make an excuse to leave Drake and me alone. 

You look, beautiful. "Drake said.

Thank's." I said and smiled at him. He leads me  to his table. 

Just wait here for a minute. I'll get you something to eat. "He said and left me alone.   The aura of the house seems connected to me. I keep on ignoring my feelings. Drake return, holding a plate with the food in it. 

Here's you food my princess. " He smiled at me. His brown eyes sparkled like a diamond while looking at me. I'll smiled back at him. I heard some women talking..

Mr. Yushen, just a perfect prince charming. As I know this luxury rest house own by him. "The woman said.

Ohhh.. Such a rich batchelor."the other woman replied.

My eyes captured by the room located near the veranda. All of sudden I feel my body was froze in a cold. Some image flashback on my senses, a woman came out of the room, looking for a way to escape. But everything so blurry.  Is this house connected on the incident happen to me 5years ago?if its therefore Drake...." I shake my head again to erase the thoughts that was forming to my head.  .  I was startled when Drake tap my shoulder.

**Drake Pov**

Susie, are you okay?, "I intentionally tap her shoulder to divert her attention.  I hope see won't remember that I brought her here 5years ago.  I forgot that this place is her nightmare and likewise with me.  Many times I decided to tell her the truth but many times I hesitate to do so.  I'm afraid she would hate me, curse me and leave me.  I can't even live without her. Everything turn back time, my heart torn apart again while thinking the sin I had committed to her.  I just want to forget it and live happily with her just as this moment. 

I want to go home.. I think, I 'm not feeling well. " She said at the same time shaking her head again. 

O... Okay.. I'll take you home." I put my arm over to her shoulder, lean her body to mind. I can feel that her temperature was so cold. I support her until we reach my car. 

"Susie, are you still with me?  I'll bring you to the hospital. " I said.

I'm okay.. Just bring me home. I just need to rest. "She said with soft voice.

Are you sure, you don't need to see a doctor?   "I'm deadly worried. She just nodded at me.  I open the door of my car beside the driver seat. I let her in and when she's in comfortable position,  I went to the driver side, open the door then get in.  I started the engine, then drive to her home. I'm glancing at her every minute, to make sure she's okay and comfortable.she was asleep.   We reach her home then carry her out of the car. I saw Noah standing at door of their house.  I walk hurriedly through the door while carrying her.

Mama. Happen to you?  Uncle Drake, is mama okay?  "Noah asked and started to cry.  

Let me down, Mr. Yushen. . " she suddenly speak and open her eyes upon hearing Noah crying. I put her down but still, wrapping my arm  around her shoulder. 

Stop crying my prince, mama, is okay, I just felt asleep while on uncle Drake car.  "Susie said to assure to her son that she's fine.   " Thank's Mr. Yushen, sorry for inconvience.

No. Susie, it's okay.. just call me Drake if we are alone or not in the office, I'm your boyfriend not your boss. " I sound of little dissapointed, I want her to call me Drake not Mr. Yushen but she keeps on calling me Mr. Yushen.. "Noah bring your mama in. Uncle will go now. " I said and then back to my car.

**End of Chapter Eighteen**


Happy reading!!!! 😘

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