Love and Forgiveness

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                           Chapter Nine

**Drake Pov**

It's been Five years now. Time to go back home.  I wish I can find her sooner.  I wonder what she's doing the past five years.
My luggage are all ready.  I'm so happy to go back home.  I arrange my luggage inside the car trunk.  And hop in into the back seat.  While on d way,  I can't help it to think of her.  I get my wallet and stare at her pictures..  "Susie, I'm coming home. I'm coming for you. I hope I can find you." I sighed while murmured to myself.  I wonder what she look's like now.  Maybe the girl before turn's into woman now.  Is she still single or married by now?  Thinking of that thought, I frowned.

Any problem sir?  The driver asked. I didn't notice that the drive glance at me. 

"Huh?  No.. It's nothing. I'm just thinking something." I replied.

The driver continue driving until we reach our destination.  As I went out of the car, I saw Estella in waiting area. "That bitch, clinging on me like a leech. " On my mind.
The driver help me carry my luggage through waiting area where Estella is waiting. "Thank's. I said to the driver.

Hey, sweety. I'm here for about an hour already.  But it doesn't matter.  Hmmm.  Let's go.  " her arm over my shoulder.

Hand's off Estella. "I said to her.  She just smiled at me and kiss to my cheek. I frowned at her, indicating that I don't like what she did. 

**Susie Pov. **

Noah is Five years old now. He is in kinder garden.
Mama, look! I have a star.."Noah run to me as I enter the door.  I just arrive home from my work.

"Very good Noah.  Give mama a hug. Hmmmmm.. Good boy... " I seat down on the sofa and Noah is on my lap.

"Ma. "Noah said.

Yes, my dear? I asked.

Where is papa?.. I was froze on his question. I don't know how to answer him. I deeply inhale and manage to answer him.

Noah, mama is papa, papa is mama. Ok.  When you older enough to understand, mama will tell you everything, why papa is not with us. Hmm. For now don't ask mama about papa. Ok.  Kiss mama on cheeks. "I said to him.

"Mwaaaaah. Sorry mama. I won't ask again about papa. " Noah said.

It's ok my dear.  Go to bed now, mama will take a shower first, then follow you to bed. Granny is already resting, she looks so tired. You sleep to mama bedroom tonight.. " Noah get off in my lap and walk to my bedroom. As I stood up from the sofa, my phone ring. I get the phone inside my bag. The caller is Missy,. I answer the phone.

Hello, Missy. "

Susie, I have good news for you.  My company is now hiring for personal secretary. You are qualified for the position. "Missy said.

But I'm working now. "I replied.

Just submit your resume to HR office tomorrow. I already recommended you to my boss, Sir Nathan Yu. "Missy said.

But Missy... "

Hey, hey, it's a big opportunity, grabbed it. If you were hired, your salary will be doubled to your salary now. Just quit your job if your already hired. Ok.  Tomorrow ok. "Missy Insisted.

Ok. Bye. "I hung up my phone.

Oppotunities strikes only once, I must grab it.  It's for Noah anyway. Want him to give a better life. 
I went straight to the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe Noah is asleep for now.  I open the shower and the water start to flow. I can feel the cold when the water touches my skin.  I feel relaxing as the water continue to touch my skin.  I stay for about a minute just like that standing taking shower, feeling the water.  I feel happy and excited atlast  I got an opportunity in a big company. 

**End of Chapter Nine**

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More exciting chapter soon. 

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