Love and Forgiveness

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                      Chapter Twenty Five

**Susie Pov. **

Are you awake now?  How's your feelin'? " I asked Drake.

I'm okay now.  I'm glad that your fined. How's Noah? "He asked.

He's find,. His at home now. My mom is taking care of him.  "I said.


Hmmmh..  Is there anything you need? "I asked him. He is staring at me,. " ahm..  Drake, Estella gone, she didn't make it. I'm sorry. " I continue..

You don't have to say sorry.  It's all my fault. Just like me, Estella also in the spell of love that moment.  Like what I'm in before and that's made me to commit evil did to you Susie.  I hope you can forgive me. "He said with a low tone voice. 

Have a rest,. Let's talk it some other time.  Just get well soon. "I said to him.  Yes,  I 'm ready to forgive him but I don't know how to spit out my words.  Maybe I'm not ready yet this time. I need more time to think over, to reflect everything, to wieght my love and hate for him.  Drake felt asleep. I decided to go home to check on Noah. 

***Drake Pov. ***
As I woke up, I can't see Susie, maybe she went home while I'am asleep.  The door open then I saw my dad enter through the door. 

Oh..  I'm glad your awake. "My dad smiling while approaching to my bed. I just nodded at him.
"I can't see Ms. Cruz here, where is she? "He asked.

Ahm.  She went home dad. "I replied.

Ah.. I see. Are feeling okay now? Have you heard the news about Ricaforte Hieress? " He asked.

Yes,. Dad.  I feel sad and apologitic to their lost.  "I answered him. 

Drake,. I'm so sorry, for all these years I'll been controlling your life.  I didn't even think that you have your own life to live to on your own.  "He said.

I just smiled at him but he continued his talk.

I won't do that anymore my son.  I'm setting you free. I've learned that my love for you is not truly love but it's a selfishness of mined.

It's okay dad.  Just allowed me to take care of my family.  My son and Susie.  I want to protect them and compensate to them. "I said.

You don't have to worry about it.  Just do what you think it's right.  I know she will forgive you because she love's you and you love her.  " What my dad said comfort me and make my heart cry.  I was so happy the very moment.  I'm still hoping that someday Susie will forgive me. 

Weeks pass, I was resting at home. Our head maid went to my room. Telling me that I have a visitors waiting at the living room.  I rushed out of my room and walk to the living room.  My tears start to flow when I saw Susie and Noah sitting on the sofa and my dad sitting on the sofa too.  I approach them but I'm mute the very moment. 

Drake, your here "My father said.
I invite miss Susie and this little boy in our house.  I hope the both you can talk.  Noah..  Come to grandpa. I'll tour you around our house. "My father intentionally arrange this meeting.  It made me feel ashamed because, I plan to visit Susie on her house.  But... " my sentence cut of when Susie talk.

Drake.. I agreed to come here because, I want to talk to you, alone."she said. I didn't answered her back but rather I lead her to my dad's office where we can talk alone. 

Susie..  "I started to talk. I kneelth down on her. "I'm so sorry, I lied and decieved you,. I'm sorry I do wronged you and hurt you. I'm sorry that I was so selfish back then.  I'm sorry for leaving you alone in dark cold room that night.  I'm sorry that I was so cruel to you.  I hope you can forgive me.  My guilt and conscience keeps tearing me to pieces. I hope you can ease my pain.  I know I'm too shameless for asking you to fogive me.  Susie,. " Drake pleading while kneeling to Susie, his tear can't hide his feeling of guilt.

Drake, you don't have to kneeled down like this.,,, Yes, when I look back to the hard times  I had, I thought it will not end. I tried to forget what my life used to but nothing can make me forget the truth. The pain and sorrow I had, that caused the tears I shed. Then you came asking forgiveness, I was not sure if I could forgive you but today,  I realize that what had happen at the past can never be change,. I decided to forgive you not because you apologized, or acknowledged the pain that you caused me,. I forgive you because that's the only way I can ease my soul and because I LOVE YOU.

**End of Chapter Twenty Five***

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If you truly love someone
Then surely you will forgive
Because in LOVE two people stay together
Not because they FORGET but because they

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