Love and Forgiveness

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Chapter Twenty Two

**Drake Pov**

I left her alone. Knowing she's in pain, but can't help to stay looking at her in so much pain. Hope she will forgive me and she will tell Noah that I'm his father.

As I entered our house, I saw my father on living room,. Absolutely his waiting for me. I intend to ignored him but he call me.

Drake., we need to talk. "He said.

I'm not in the mood to talk to you dad. You ruin everything. "I replied.

You better seat down. This is about the custody of your child to that woman. Since his one of our bloodline, we must take him."He said again.

What? You don't have to do that dad.. Please stop controling my life. " I said.

That woman knew already that your the father of her child, and beside the child have more good future if you take the custody for him. Just think the best way. Since you don't want to marry Estella. Just take that child. He's the future successor of my empire. "He said again.

No dad. I won't take him to his mother. I don't want her hurt twice. Once is enough. I don't want to commit another sin to her. So please stay away from my personal life. I'll take care of them. I'm tired, I go to sleep now. " I left him alone in the living room. Suddenly my phone ring.. It's mike. I answer his call.

Hello, Mike.. It's already late,. Why did you call? I asked him.

Drake, something terrible happen. "He said. All of a sudden I felt nervous to what he have said.

What was that Mike? I asked.

Noah.... Noah is missing.. Susie and Missy are in the police station now. Hurry and go there. Susie need you now." He said.
I didn't even answer him back. I hung up my phone and rush out to my car. I drive like the speed of the cheetah. Just to reach the police station. Noah is missing, what did my father did this time to control me. Kidnap my son!? No... No.,.. No... '"I shake my head several time,. He won't get want he want this time. I'll protect Susie and my son, for what ever it takes. I reach the police station. As I entered, I saw Susie, sitting on the chair talking to the police. Missy is behind her holding his shoulder. I come closer to them.

Susie.... ''I called her name. She just stared at him with the tears in her eyes. ". Susie... "I said again.

Drake.. I can't find Noah. Can you help me find him? His the only one I have. I can't live without my son. I'm willing to forget what happen 5 years ago, just find my son for me. I know you can do it. "She's carrying while pleading on me.

You don' t have to say that Susie.. Noah is my son too. I'll do everything to find him. Just calm down for awhile. " I said to her with assurance. I'll talk to the police to make further investigation and investigate the people possible behind it. I gave them the list of names to investigate with.
"Susie, I'll take you home and Missy, rest for now ok. Missy thanks..

Susie, let's go home."Missy said to Susie. I brought them home. Susie was quiet the whole time until we reach her house. Susie hop out of the car and Missy.

Thank's". Susie said without looking at my direction, I just sighed then drive to my house. I need to talk to my dad maybe he's behind to this incident.

My phone ring unexpectedly. It's an unknown number. I pick the phone from the dash board and answer it.

**End of Chapter Twenty Two**

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A son is a wonderful blessing,
A treasure from above,
He's laughter, warmth and special charm,
He's thouthfulness and love,
A son gives you a special joy,
That comes from deep inside,
And as he grows to manhood,
He fills your heart with pride.

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