Chapter Fifty-Five: Repercussions

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Ash's POV

The ghastly flames of the fireplace toyed with the shadows of the Great Room. I couldn't help but think of all the times that this very hearth emanated with warmth as my sister and I rested in our mother's lap as my father read us wondrous stories of other realms.

But today welcomed a very different scene.

My mother held her forehead against her hand, slumped over in the reading chair. Adele was perched next to her on the arm. Evelyn stood next to me, her hand never leaving mine.

Brooding in the corner was the very woman who started this all. She could not bear to meet our eyes as she pretended to be interested in something beyond the horizon, through the window.

"For God's sake, are we all just going to ignore the fact that my Uncle has risen from the dead and come back to reclaim the throne?" I castigated, agitation tingeing my tone.

"It far more complicated than that, Ash. Marcellus –" My mother stopped and corrected herself, "Annesley has been masquerading as a part of court for years. He has been watching over royal affairs since your father's coronation. We have no idea what he has been up to since his banishment, who or what kingdoms he has been in contact with, whether he sold any information... Oh this is all just too much."

"Mother, please calm down." Adele whispered as she gently rubbed her shoulders.

"Oh tut. You people are being over dramatic." My worthless grandmother clicked her tongue.

Ev's touch relaxed my clenched fist.

"How so, Lady Arabella? Now that the family's dirty secret of treason is out in public, all this effort to instill trust into the people has been wasted. Never mind that, the throne itself is at stake, something that you deem precious enough to kill for!" Ev's voice rose to a dangerously high pitch.

"You, how dare you speak to the matriarch of this family in that manner?" She spat.

"Enough!" My voice clamored through the walls.

My gaze shifted to the old lady, "I can't even bring myself to call you my grandmother. For once in your life, serve your duty to this family and give me answers. Father told me of what you did to Annesley, or at least attempted to. How is it that he entered my father's closest circle years later, undetected and unrecognized?"

"Seeing as how your father sent me away just days after the construction of Trephine was completed, that is a question I will not be able to answer. However, his facial features have changed drastically since I saw him last, although his eyes are the same. I can only imagine how he connived his way back into your father's life."

Before I could raise my voice again, Ev stopped me. "Ash, this isn't going to take us anywhere. Perhaps is would be best to hear the story straight from the horse's mouth."

She referred to Annesley, who was currently being held in custody of the Royal Guard. He was surprisingly cooperative after getting his words out; each and every one denounced my father.

"Absolutely not! You are not to be allowed anywhere near him." Lady Arabella warned.

"You are not my mother." I retorted through gritted teeth.

"You'd be a fool to waste your time over him. He's still a wanted criminal, accused of murder and what else that hasn't been uncovered yet. A threat. The only fitting punishment would be a beheading."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, since rash actions are what brought us here in the first place." My mother eyed her mother-in-law, "We will conduct a fair and thorough investigation, one that will be publicized. Everything shall be taken into account, dating back to his disappearance."

"Are you suggesting that you are actually going to give that ingrate a chance at the throne?" Lady Arabella cried.

"Simply one that was unfairly taken from him in the first place." I snapped back.

"I cannot stand to be here any longer."

"Oh but you must. You are a key witness and suspect to the case, so you will be required on the castle premises until everything is settled."

Her eyes looked as if they'd bulge out of their sockets.

"I will arrange for your long-term stay, Lady Aarabella. If you would please follow me." My mother dismissed herself.

She reluctantly picked her feet up, making each step known as if she were a child throwing a tantrum.

Adele turned to us; "I think we're all long overdue for a good night's rest after that fiasco. I'll see both of you in the morning. Thank God all of us are safe."

We bid her a good night before retiring to our quarters.

Ev and I prepared for bed quietly, neither of us having the energy nor interest to prolong the awful night.

But neither of us could fall asleep, either.

After what felt like the hundredth turn and two hundredth toss, I turned to face Ev, who was still wide-awake.

She let out a sigh deep with disappointment.

I wrapped my arm around her and offered the only words of comfort I could, "I know, Love."

She snuggled into my chest, "Such a waste."

"We worked so hard for today."

"Only for it to fall to shambles at someone else's hands."

"It was meant to be, I suppose."

"But," She looked up at me again with those big brown eyes of hers, "I'm still proud of us though, our efforts."

I smiled down at her, "Me too."

After all, the library, in all it's glory, will still continue construction. 

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