Chapter 5

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Waking up in a sea of white sheets and pillows, I quickly reach over to silence my alarm clock and sit up to rub the sleep from my eyes

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Waking up in a sea of white sheets and pillows, I quickly reach over to silence my alarm clock and sit up to rub the sleep from my eyes. After meeting back up with Chris yesterday, he released me for the day to come back to the hotel that was booked for the crew.

During my meeting with Chris, he walked me around backstage and introduced me to everyone in sight, and I bet you I can't even remember half of their names. He also briefly went over what I'll be doing and how the tour is usually run.

The alarm clock on the night stand reads 7:00 a.m. and I dread getting out of this ridiculously comfortable bed. I stretch my limbs before drawing back the covers and leaving the warmth of the bed. My feet pad across the carpet as I make my way to the hotel bathroom and turn on the shower. As I let the water heat up I dart back to the bed to grab my phone and check for any messages.

One new text from Chris.

From Chris: Joslyn, don't forget to wake up Alex at 8. The both of you should be downstairs in the lobby by 8:50 to catch a car to the venue.

The text was sent about five minutes ago, letting me know that Chris is already up. I quickly type back a response to let him know I got his message and remembered my first task of the job before stripping down and getting in the shower.

Rinsing my hair one final time, I turn off the water and grab one of the many towels on the towel rack, wrapping it around my body. I grab an extra towel and throw my soaking wet hair into it, wrapping it on top of my head. Wiping some seam off of the mirror, I take in my appearance before letting out a breath, read to start my usual morning routine.

By 7:38 I'm finished in the bathroom and dressed in an olive green top, white jeans, and a pair of white sneakers. With over twenty minutes to spare, I decide it'll be best to run downstairs to grab a coffee instead of sitting in the room and staring at the clock, which would drive me insane.

I grab my phone and double check that I have my room key before heading down the hall to the elevator. Pressing the down button, I patiently wait for the elevator to come. Upon hearing the ding, I look up from my phone and enter when the doors open, pressing the button for the main lobby.

With fifteen minutes left to spare, I make my way to the dining area to take advantage of the complimentary breakfast. I make a bee line for the coffee machine that's occupied by three other people. Grabbing a tall Styrofoam cup, I impatiently wait in line for the others to take their grand old time to make sure their coffee is made to perfection. When it's my turn I quickly fill up the cup with the hot liquid and add some creamer before making my way to the breakfast bar to grab a yogurt, spoon, and an apple.

Once I grab my food, I turn to make my way back upstairs but someone collides into me, and of course half of my coffee spills out of the cup and all over my white pants and shoes, causing me to hiss in pain due to the temperature of the liquid.

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