Chapter 30

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For the rest of the night, I try to avoid Joslyn to save myself from any further embarrassment

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For the rest of the night, I try to avoid Joslyn to save myself from any further embarrassment. I think its best if I keep my distance until I've fully sobered up. Hopefully, over time, this whole situation will blow over.

Aimlessly wandering around my party, Chris comes up to me with a big smug grin on his face. "Hey, I've got some people I want you to meet," he says, dragging me over to a group of people he's gathered. They're all big time producers and people from major record companies.

"Wow, Chris. This is some party you threw," one of them says and I can't help but let out a scoff knowing he didn't really do shit, yet he's taking all the credit for it.

Chris shoots me a questioning glare before quickly recovering from my outburst, introducing me to all the people gathered around.

I politely introduce myself and try my best to pretend to be interested while Chris brags about me and himself, trying to score some deals. I know I should be paying attention to the conversation in front of me, but I can't help but let my eyes wander in search of a particular brunette. As much as I want to avoid Joslyn, it doesn't mean I don't want to keep my tabs on her.

While I don't see her around, I do spot my father in a corner talking to some girls that are around my age while my mother is maybe twenty feet away from him. Disgusting.

As soon as a waiter walks by with a tray of drinks I snatch one from him. I know I probably shouldn't drink anymore tonight, but I've already screwed up enough so what more can I do. Plus, you only turn twenty one once, why not live it up and let loose for a change.

Stumbling through the hallway of the hotel, I fumble my hands around in my pockets in search of my room key. Finally feeling something in my shirt pocket, I reach inside and pull out two plastic key cards. I forgot that Joslyn asked me to hold on to hers since her dress didn't have any pockets.

Does that mean she got in alright? I know she would probably go down to the front desk and get a replacement key, but who's to say if she was able to make it back to her room? If she's not in her room I can't call or text her because she decided to leave her phone behind. And if she is in her room sleeping I don't want to disturb her.

After having a mental debate in my head over what to do, I find myself outside her door lining up the card to the slot above the door handle. Quickly sliding the card in and pulling it out, I wait for the green light to flash before slowly pushing on the handle. I know this is borderline creepy, but I have to make sure she got back from the party safe.

Holding my breath, I inch the door open and peek inside. The room is dark aside from a soft light flickering from the TV. Sticking my head in further, I can see Joslyn curled up on the couch that's in front of the TV, eyes closed and face pressed into the armrest. She looks so cute and peaceful all cozied up in her pajamas. She must have come back to her room some time ago to change and get ready for bed.

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