Chapter 37

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"You look good," Joslyn says, brushing her fingers across my cheek

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"You look good," Joslyn says, brushing her fingers across my cheek.

"Thanks," I murmur, leaning into her touch.

It's been two weeks since Derek and I had our scuffle and the bruises I received are fading to a light yellow that's hardly noticeable. Shay's been able to cover them up well the whole time, and thankfully nothing got leaked to the media.

As we sit in the almost empty airport, I feel myself trying to keep my eyes open. Today was the last day of the American leg of tour and I'm exhausted. This leg has taken a toll on me and I'm ready for a break, except mine doesn't start right away. My team thought it would be a good idea if my parents and I went on a family vacation to do some damage control because of my dad's behavior. They want us to be photographed out as one big happy family, and judging by how my parents have been arguing all day this trip is going to be fantastic. I'm just glad that when it's over I get to go back home to my own place.

"You have my key, right?" I ask Joslyn.

"Yep." She digs her keys out of her bag to show me that she has a spare key to my condo next to the customized license plate keychain I got her for her birthday.

While I'm away with my parents, she's flying to New York to do the final touches on my condo. During the tour she's been designing and putting everything together like I asked, and I'm excited to finally see it.

"Don't mess this up. It better not be super girly or anything," I joke.

"Aww, I thought you liked pink," she jokes back.

"Flight to the Bahamas now boarding," a lady announces over the intercom.

"I guess that's me." I sigh, not wanting to get on my flight and endure a week with my parents, pretending that everything is fine.

Joslyn frowns. "It'll be ok," she tries to comfort me, tenderly placing her hand over mine.

I nod, standing up and pulling her with me. "Have a good break, Joss." I pull her in for a tight hug, not wanting to let go. It feels so good to have everything back to normal with her, Derek out of the picture. I may be falling for her harder than ever, but I'm just waiting for the right time to tell her how I really feel.

"And don't mess up my condo," I add.

"I'll try not to." She giggles, hugging me back.


After a week vacation—if you can even call it that—I'm more than relieved to go back to my own place. Setting my bags outside my door, I dig in my back pocket for my key and jiggle it into the knob. The smell of fresh paint instantly welcomes me once I open the door.

Picking back up my bags, I set them inside and look around. The apartment is spotless and looks like something out of a magazine with the natural light seeping in through the panoramic windows that overlook all of New York City. The blue and gray tones give the place a calm and homey feel, and the minimal yet modern décor doesn't scream bachelor pad. I feel like this is the perfect place and style for an average twenty-one year old guy. I can't believe after being on the road I get to come home to this place now.

Striding into the living room, I plop down on the big gray couch that feels like heaven and take everything in. Joslyn really outdid herself. I knew she was going to make my place great judging by how she decorated hers, but this is beyond what I was expecting.

Looking at the coffee table, there's a box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with a card attached to it. I grab the card first, instantly recognizing Joslyn's perfect, bubbly handwriting.


Welcome home! I really hope you don't hate what I've done to the place. If you do, I'm sorry! Hopefully this house warming gift can make up for any damage I've caused.

Love, Joslyn

Smiling, I set the card aside and start peeling back the paper to reveal six familiar faces. On the box, staring back at me, is Rachel, Joey, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, and Ross. She bought me the complete series of Friends on DVD.

Shaking my head, I can't believe she actually got me a gift. She did more than enough for me by agreeing to decorate my place, and this gift just tops the icing on the cake.

Picking up the wrapping paper, I throw it in the trashcan on the way to my room. The bedroom has white walls and furniture with a king size bed in the center that has a dark blue comforter, my favorite color. I flop down on the beyond comfortable bed and pull my phone out of my pocket, facetiming Joslyn.

She answers on the third ring, face cringing in nervousness. "Just tell me, how much do you hate it?"

I can't help but laugh at her. "Joss, are you kidding me? This place is insane! I'm completely in love with it," I admit with a smile.

"Really? You like it?"

"I'm completely in love with it. You knocked it out of the park. Thank you for going above and beyond for me."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you like it." She smiles softly.

"This is exactly what I needed to come home to after the week of hell," I mumble.

She frowns, leaning back onto her couch. "Was it that bad?"

"Awful. They fought the whole time. I'm so glad I get to come back to my own place."

"I'm sorry it was so awful. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No," I sigh. "Honestly, I just kind of want to forget about it."

She nods in understanding. "Well, at least you have a break until the holidays are over to enjoy your complete freedom and your new place. It'll be nice to just relax and chill out for a while."

"True." I sigh. "I'm going to miss seeing you every day though," I admit with a frown.

"I'm going to miss you too," she whispers. "But I'll see you at Shay's wedding in a few weeks."

"Too long," I grumble, causing her to giggle. "Although, if you want, maybe we could put your house warming gift to use and still watch Friends over facetime?" I nervously ask while chewing on my lip, hoping she'll say yes.

"I'd like that." She smiles warmly.

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