Chapter 12

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I let out a groan, rolling over to silence my blaring alarm clock that reads 7:00 a

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I let out a groan, rolling over to silence my blaring alarm clock that reads 7:00 a.m. Momentarily shoving my face back into the pillow, I let out a sigh, wishing I had a few more hours of sleep. I didn't get much sleep last night, letting the first day of tour jitters overwhelm my thoughts, preventing me from getting a good night's rest.

Sitting up and stretching my limbs, I reluctantly get out of bed and head for the shower. The scalding hot water wakes me up enough to finish my morning routine and get dressed. Since it's the first day I decide on a white, flowy tank top with black jeans and some cute, strappy sandals, adding a simple necklace and some bracelets. I want to look cute but casual for my first official day on the job.

With five minutes left until I have to wake up Alex, I make sure I have everything ready and go to knock on his door down the hall. I wait until the clock on my phone hits 8:00 a.m. on the dot and I faintly hear his alarm go off on the other side of the door. I give it a few seconds until I tap my knuckles on the door and I hear him shuffle around until he opens it.

"Morning," he rasps out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes with the heel of his hands.

"Morning, happy first day of tour!" I smile as soon as he opens his eyes to fully look at me.

"Happy first day of tour." He lazily smiles back, leaning against the door. "I guess I'll go down to the gym for an hour and then come back up to shower. I'll probably grab something to eat too really quick because we have to meet the car at 9:50, right?"

"Right. But, actually, how intent are you on working out this morning?" I nervously ask, slightly rocking on my heels.

"I mean... Honestly, I could take it or leave it. I really just wanted to sleep in this morning, but Chris thought it would be best to work out to release some of my anxiety," he air quotes. "It doesn't really calm my nerves anyway. Why?"

"Well..." I nervously drag out the word. "I kind of have a surprise for you, if you want it."

"Really?" His face perks up with a smile.

"Yeah, I actually picked up some extra groceries from the store yesterday to make breakfast. I looked up some recipes for pancakes and grabbed ingredients to make some from scratch, as well as some eggs and bacon. I wasn't sure what you would want or like so I just grabbed those to play it safe. I know you said you were nervous about today and then when you were telling me about how you like cooking... I don't know. I just thought it would be something fun and calming for you to do. I asked the lady down at the front desk if there was a kitchen or something we could use and she said that there is a small kitchenette on the main floor by the laundry room we can use. That is if you want to. Don't feel ob—"

"Joslyn," he cuts me off from my rambling. "I would love to." He brightly smiles. "Just let me take a shower and get ready real quick. I'll come knock on your door after."

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