Chapter 29

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"Wow, this is

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"Wow, this is... a lot." I let out an airy chuckle, looking around the extravagant rooftop in disbelief. I knew Chris was going to go all out for my twenty first birthday, but this is too much.

If it was up to me, I'd much rather have a night in with some close friends than have an all-out bash full of people I hardly even know just to put something out to the media.

"You don't like it?" Joslyn asks concerned.

"No, it's not that I don't like it, it's just... all too much, don't you think?" I laugh, gesturing around. "Chris really went overboard."

The rooftop reeks expensive with the beautiful view that overlooks all of Vegas, high end outdoor furniture, sparkling in ground pool, and a fully stocked bar at each end of the large area.

Not saying anything, I notice Joslyn has her eyes cast down, starting to nervously fidget with her fingers.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." She gives an unconvincing smile.

Looking over at Shay, I try to read her to see if she knows what's going on. She's looking at Joslyn skeptically, acting as if she has something to say.

"What's going on?" I ask, knowing somethings up.

Shay lets out a sigh, looking up at me. Just as she's about to speak, Joslyn cuts her off.

"Shay," she says in warning, giving her a threatening glare.

"Joslyn," Shay challenges.

"Alright, someone tell me what's going on," I demand, folding my arms, flicking my gaze back and forth between them.

It's silent for a moment, the both of them having a stare down.

"Chris didn't do any of this. He made Joslyn put the whole thing together," Shay finally blurts out.

"Shay!" Joslyn scolds.

"What?" Shay says. "Alex deserves to know, and Chris shouldn't get all the credit for this after you're the one that worked your ass off."

"Wait," I say, trying to process everything. "You put all of this together?" I ask, turning to Joslyn.

"I mean, Chris asked me to help and I ran everything past him," she says, nervously tucking a tendril of hair falling out of her high ponytail behind her ear. "I'm sorry if you hate it," she whispers, looking down at the ground shamefully.

It all makes sense now, why she was acting so anxious about the party all day.

"Hate it? Joslyn, this place is insane! This is one of the best parties I've ever seen," I admit genuinely, hoping I didn't upset her with my previous comments.

"You don't have to say that." She shakes her head, looking up at me with those big hazel eyes, making my heart sink.

"No, I'm not just saying it! This place is seriously so awesome and I couldn't imagine having a better party. I guess," I let out a puff of air, scratching the back of my neck. "I guess I just personally pictured my birthday more low key, but I knew that wasn't going to happen anyway. But this is the next best thing," I admit, hoping to comfort her.

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