Chapter 28

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"Oh come on you big baby!" I giggle, stretching my arm out to shove my sandwich in Alex's face across the table

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"Oh come on you big baby!" I giggle, stretching my arm out to shove my sandwich in Alex's face across the table.

He leans back in his chair, nose scrunched up. "Uh-uh." He shakes his head, acting like a child who's being force fed vegetables.

"It's not that bad," I try to coax him.

"Nope," he says, grabbing my wrist to push my arm back to my side of the table. "I don't do spicy."

"It's not even that spicy!" I counter.

Currently, we're sitting in one of my favorite restaurants in Nashville down on Broadway, per his request. After my birthday, we set up a couple of days for him to come visit me in Nashville. His plane landed late this afternoon.

"No." His answer is muffled by a mouthful of the barbecue sandwich he ordered.

"Don't knock it until you try it," I say in a sing-song voice, slowly extending the sandwich back to his face, persuading him.

He looks at the hot chicken sandwich skeptically before he huff's, giving me a mundane look. Hot chicken is a staple food here in Nashville and I'll be damned if he doesn't at least try it.

"Fine," he grumbles, grabbing a napkin to wipe off the barbecue sauce from his fingers and corners of his mouth.

He stares at the sandwich intently before cautiously leaning forward, taking the tiniest bite that mostly consists of the bread.

"Nuh-uh!" I call him out. "That was barely even a bite!"

"Ok, ok," he grumbles, rolling his eyes.

He leans back in and takes a bigger bite this time, not big enough for my liking, but I'll take it. Sitting back in his seat, he lets the food rest in his mouth for a moment before slowly chewing. His face instantly scrunches up and he shakes his head profusely, grabbing for his napkin. After he spits the food out, he quickly reaches for his water, downing half the glass.

"Oh my gosh!" I laugh, throwing my head back. "You are such a drama queen!"

"Am not!" he whines, voice almost indistinct by all the ice cubes in his mouth.

"Yes, you are."

"Whatever," he grumbles, panting. "You have no soul if you can handle eating stuff that hot," he jokes, making me roll my eyes.

He takes off the baseball cap he's wearing to wipe some sweat off of his forehead. Aside from the hot chicken, it is a hot summer evening and the restaurant has the windows open, celling fans twirling.

I mentally curse him for taking it off, revealing his famous dark locks. I do a quick scan around the room to make sure no one is paying attention. Hardly anyone is in the restaurant, but I don't want to risk anyone noticing him.

I was shocked when I picked him up from the airport without Milo insight. Alex admitted that he didn't tell anyone he was coming here and promised he would be fine without Milo or anyone tagging along. I know Alex is an adult and can do what he wants, but it still puts me on edge thinking about what would happen if anyone spots and recognizes him. That's why before going out tonight I made him change into some of Joe's clothes and wear sunglasses and a hat.

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