Chapter 21

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"Happy to be home?" Alex asks from across the tiny bus table between bites of his usual breakfast cereal

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"Happy to be home?" Alex asks from across the tiny bus table between bites of his usual breakfast cereal.

"Definitely." I smile brightly as the bus rolls into the city I call home.

I really lucked out having an off day here, meaning I get to sleep in my own bed for the night. I didn't even bother booking myself a hotel room.

"Still going to let me use that kitchen of yours?" Alex asks, one corner of him mouth tugging up.

"Only if you promise to put it to good use."

"I can do that." He smiles.

"Do what?" Chris asks, emerging into the front lounge of the bus to refill his coffee cup.

"Oh, I'm going over to Joslyn's tonight," Alex casually informs Chris.

"Absolutely not."

"What?" Alex asks dumbfounded.

"You're not going out on a Friday night in such a busy city. This city is always packed on a Friday night and I'm not going to risk you being spotted and mobbed. Tell him, Joslyn," Chris calls me out. "Isn't it crazy out here on a Friday night?"

"A little bit," I awkwardly mumble as their eyes flash to me.

It's true, though. Friday nights are always the busiest, but that's mainly for Broadway and I wouldn't dare take Alex to the strip. On Friday nights you can hardly walk down Broadway because it is so packed with locals, tourists, and most of all drunks. I wouldn't want to put anyone through that madness and claustrophobia.

"See," Chris says knowingly. He's satisfied, thinking this conversation is over, but Alex keeps pushing.

"So? We're just going to her apartment and maybe a grocery store. It'll be fine."

"Still, I don't want to take any chances," Chris reiterates, seeming to get annoyed with Alex's persistence.

"Well that's too bad," Alex challenges, crossing his arms.

"Excuse me?" Chris narrows his eyes at him, face hardening.

"I'm going, Chris. I can't take being stuck in this bus and hotels anymore. I'm going to go crazy!" Alex admits. "So I'm going whether you like it or not," Alex says, fairly calm.

Chris glares at him and the two seem to have a stare down. "Fine," Chris spits out and Alex's body relaxes in victory. "On one condition, Milo has to come with you."

His body stiffens again. "What? No!" Alex argues, becoming defensive again.

"You go with Milo or you don't go at all," Chris says, voice stern. The two have another stare off over the ultimatum.

"Fine," Alex finally spits back.

Chris only nods his head once before going back to the back lounge of the bus. I don't miss the glare he quickly shoots me before leaving, making my blood run cold.

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