Ch. 1 Always and Forever

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IT WAS OFFICIAL, THE ONLY WITCH I WOULD EVER LIKE WAS BONNIE BENNETT. I had been lied to by Jane-Anne Deveraux and ended up walking into a trap. I was now being held captive by her sister, Sophie, and the other witches in a cemetery. They wanted to use me as leverage against Klaus now that I was pregnant with his kid.

I was getting fed up with this. I hadn't seen Lilly in weeks. All I wanted to do was go home.

A few witches entered. "Up," one said, grabbing my arm.

I yanked it away. "Touch me and I break your hand. Ask your friend from the other day. How's she doing by the way?" I smirked at her and walked on my own.

If I was going to be held prisoner, I wasn't going to get pushed around. I had given at least three witches concussions and broken several fingers, arms and toes. It wasn't like they could hurt me without hurting what they needed.

"Bring her out," I heard Sophie Deveraux yell.

I walked out to see a tall dark haired man in a suit. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Lorelai Forbes," he said.

"It's Rory. And it's about freaking time you or your brother got here, Elijah," I said.

From the way his eyes moved down to my flat stomach, I guessed he knew. "Yeah, I have two heart beats right now. Let's move on," I said.

"Give us a moment, please," Elijah said. The two of us went into a tomb.

"They've been holding you here against your will?" he asked once we were alone.

"Yep. They lured me and my bio sister out to the bayou and grabbed us. They did all these weird, witchy tests, not that they needed to. I already knew I was pregnant and that it is Klaus'," I muttered.

"How did this even happen?" Elijah asked.

"I got pregnant at sixteen, is this really all that shocking? I was a tiny bit drunk and he had been flirting with me for over a year," I said.

"I don't need details," Elijah said.

I stood up, moving closer to him. "Look, we aren't each other's biggest fans. But I need you to get me out of here. I don't care if Klaus gives a crap about this baby. It's my kid and I will take care of it just like I took care of Lilly. I just need out of here so I can go home," I said.

That was a lie. I cared. I already had one kid whose father had been forced out of her life. Despite how complicated I knew this would be, I wanted Klaus in it's life.

He nodded after a moment. "All right," he said, and I got the feeling that he could see right through me.

"Rory." I looked up seeing Hayley enter the tomb. She ran over to me and hugged me. "What is going on?" she asked.

"Uh, good question. Apparently I'm pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson's miracle baby," I said.

"What?" she asked. "When did you sleep with Klaus?"

"After you left his house," I admitted.

She sighed. "Of course you did," she muttered. "But how could you be pregnant? Vampires are dead."

"Yeah, but Klaus is a hybrid. He isn't just a vampire. I don't know. It's complicated and I don't really want to think about it," I said, sitting down.

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