Ch. 8 Bloodletting

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MY HEAD WAS POUNDING WHEN I WOKE UP. A jolt of panic went through me as I realized I was in a moving car, at least till I remembered who had kidnapped me this time. "You're awake."

I turned to glare at the driver. "And fairly pissed off," I told Tyler.

"Look, I didn't see you getting in this car willingly," he said.

"So you knock me out and kidnap me?" I asked, rubbing my forehead.

"Would you have gotten in the car if I asked you to?" he wondered.

I turned to look at him. We hadn't talked since he left Mystic Falls and I still had no idea how to explain my relationship with Klaus to him. "What are you doing here, Tyler?" I asked.

"Well, I came back to Mystic Falls, expecting to find you and my daughter still living at your apartment. Instead I found out that you two were now living with Klaus Mikaelson," he said.

I sighed. "You don't understand, Ty," I said.

"I understand enough. I know you got knocked up by the psychopath," he said.

"Yeah, well, I also got knocked up by you, so I think we both know my choices have been questionable. Why are you kidnapping me?" I asked.

"I want to test a theory," he said.

"What kind of theory?" I wondered.

"One about your baby," he said, not looking at me.

As much as I trusted Tyler, I still had a feeling of dread as he told me that.


He took me out to a cabin in the bayou. I had Lilly on my hip, she had been asleep in the back during the ride. I looked around at all the abandoned junk. "What is this place?" I asked.

"The armpit of Louisiana," he told me. He scoffed. "I never thought the girl I knew would be shacked up with Klaus Mikaelson."

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know how to tell you," I said.

"About the fact that you were hooking up with my nemesis or that you were pregnant?" he wondered. "A hybrid baby. Yeah, I know all about it. I've been roaming around the bayou asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned."

He pulled the sleeve of my sweater down, revealing the birthmark on my shoulder. "This crescent birthmark means you come from a big shot family, some kind of royalty to the werewolves of this region, and right here, this is all that's left of them," he told me.

I looked around at the bayou in confusion. My eyes landed on a blonde woman watching us in the trees. "Hey," I yelled, moving forward. She quickly ran away, not looking back.

"They can't help you. They're in the woods hiding, because they've been persecuted for decades by vampires," he told me.

A man came out of the trees and walked over to us. "Is that her?" he asked Tyler, pointing to me.

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