Ch. 9 The River in Reverse

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I DIDN'T ARGUE WITH KLAUS ABOUT LEAVING ELIJAH AND HAYLEY IN THE BAYOU. I knew it was pointless. Elijah was just going to have to find a way to fix things with his brother on his own.

Klaus took me and Lilly back to the plantation house that night. I woke up the next day to Klaus trailing kisses down my neck. I smiled. I could feel his arms wrapped around me. He was holding one of my hands, and both of us had one resting on my bump.

"Hi," I mumbled, still tired.

"Morning," he said.

I groaned. "It's morning?" I asked.

Klaus chuckled. "Yes, love. Actually, it is almost afternoon," he informed me.

I groaned again. "Great. Lilly is probably up," I said.

"Rebekah already checked on her," he told me.

I grimaced. "Now I feel like a really bad friend," I muttered.

"And why is that?" Klaus asked.

"Your sister, who has supernatural hearing, has been in this house the whole time we were in here," I said.

Klaus chuckled. I rolled over to face the hybrid. I pecked him on the lips, before looking at him. "Are they back yet?" I wondered.

His smile quickly faded. "My brother and your sister are the last people I want to talk about right now," he said.

"They're family, Klaus. You're going to have to forgive them," I reminded.

He sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "Why do you have to insist on forgiving everyone?" he asked.

"If I didn't forgive people I wouldn't be laying next to you right now," I said.

He looked at me. "That's not fair," he said.

"I know," I said.

"Well, I don't see anyone being forgiven today. But I do see myself figuring out exactly how Marcel found you," he told me.

"Marcel wasn't going to hurt me, Klaus," I told him.

"But he could have. Him knowing where you are puts you, our child and Lilly in danger," he reminded.

"How do you know he didn't just follow Josh?" I asked.

"Because Rebekah left the same night he showed up," he said.

"You think he found me through Rebekah," I realized. "Rebekah wouldn't tell him."

"No, but she could give him a hint by accident," Klaus said.

"What are you going to do if she did?" I asked.

He smiled. "We shall see, little wolf," he said. He kissed me one more time before getting out of bed.

I sighed, knowing that wouldn't go well. I was too happy to care right now, though. I looked around Klaus' bedroom, having never actually been in it. There were a few paintings that I assumed he had done hanging on the walls. I laid back, a small smile on my face.


Klaus went to eat breakfast with Rebekah while I took a shower and got dressed. I went into Lilly's room and got her around and let her play a little while I finished getting ready. I put my hair up and found the only pair of jeans I had that still fit.

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