Ch. 5 Girl in New Orleans

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I WAS BEGINNING TO LOSE MY MIND FROM BOREDOM WHILE BEING STUCK IN THE PLANTATION HOUSE. But a part of me preferred insanity over dealing with any of the witches who were still blackmailing us. "I told you, Agnes, I feel great," I said. I was sitting on the couch, talking to the annoying, old witch.

"You are overdue for a checkup," she said.

I frowned. I was well aware of that fact. I had hid Lilly from everyone for several weeks and I had still had a check up earlier in my pregnancy with her than with this one. But it wasn't like I really had a choice. "What am I going to do, pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here," I said.

"A lot of women would kill to have a child. Strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours, even if it is your second," Rebekah said. She was sitting at a table, typing on her lap top.

I glanced towards the blonde, sighing. I knew she wanted a baby of her own more than practically anything. And a part of me knew she had a point.

"I know a doctor out in the bayou off the beaten path. Now I took the liberty of making an appointment for you tonight after hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it," Agnes told me.

I searched my mind for an excuse. As nice as it would be to know for sure that the baby was healthy, I didn't really want to go anywhere with this witch. "Who's going to watch Lilly?" I wondered.

"I can," Hayley said, walking through the room. "I love my adorable, little niece."

Well, there went that. "Ok, fine," I muttered. "Bayou baby-doctor it is."


The sun had set by the time me and Agnes arrived. "This is the doctor's office?" I asked, skeptical. It was just a small cabin in the middle of the bayou.

"Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go. She won't bite," Agnes told me.

I sighed. I didn't like this, but I was still stupid enough to open the car door and walk into the office.


I was laying down now, having an ultrasound done. "Your baby's heart rate is perfect," the doctor informed me.

"I knew it. She's a tough one like her mom," I said. She handed me a napkin and I sat up as I wiped the gel off my stomach. The sleeve of my sweater fell off my shoulder as I did so.

"That's a unique birthmark," she said from where she was standing by the counter.

I glanced at her, but just pulled my sweater back up without saying a word about it. I knew people could earn brownie-points with Marcel if they turned in werewolves and I was getting nervous. "We're pretty much done here, right?" I asked. I wanted out of this place.

I heard my phone beep and picked it up. Where are you? Rebekah had texted me.

"Your blood pressure is a bit high. I have something for it," Dr. Paige said.

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