Ch. 3 Every Mother's Son

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AFTER GETTING READY FOR THE DAY, I WENT DOWN TO THE COURTYARD TO FIND A TABLE COVERED IN FRUITS AND PASTRIES. Being me, I started eating immediately. This wasn't the first time this had happened since I had started living with Klaus.

"So, which restaurant's missing a compelled chef?" I asked, seeing him coming downstairs.

"Certainly a card I've played in the past, but I had no hand in this," he told me.

"Hmm. Then I guess we have Elijah to thank," I said.

"This wasn't my doing," the noble Original said, walking towards us.

"Then where did all this come from?" I asked, now regretting eating some of it.

One of the lids on the trays started shaking right then. "Uh..."

Klaus picked up the lid, releasing two birds. I gasped as they flew past me and out of the compound. "What was that?" I asked.

Klaus picked up the note on the tray. "An invitation from our mother," he told us.

I sighed. As if Esther torturing us from the grave wasn't bad enough, now she was torturing us in the possessed body of a Harvest girl.


I laid on Klaus' bed, which was beginning to become mine again. He was out on the balcony.

"It is times like this when I'm really glad I never knew my birth mother," I told him, sitting up.

"We have enough enemies here. And now the war for our home is to be fought against my own family," Klaus said, entering the room.

"Your evil mother and her disciples tried to put a carving knife through our baby's heart and threatened the life of our three year old who cried her eyes out when she accidentally killed a butterfly. I will happily add to the body count," I told him.

He smiled slightly. I wasn't sure if it was because he appreciated me finally willing to kill or if he was remembering the butterfly incident. Maybe because I had called both the girls ours.

"You'll do no such thing," Elijah told me, entering the room. "Esther's a master in the art of possession. We know whose body she currently inhabits. We must decipher her intentions before she finds a host."

I rolled my eyes at the Original. We were on better terms after our TV marathons, but he still didn't like the person I was now and we all knew it. It stung a little, but I was used to being judged for my choices.

"Well, her last invitation was an assassination attempt on all her children. I think we can assume her intentions are decidedly foul," Klaus told him.

"Well, then, we have this afternoon to prepare for the worst," Elijah said and left.

Klaus looked at me, moving closer. "You two still aren't on great terms," he noticed.

"He expects me to somehow be like Caroline and know exactly what I'm doing. To only kill one person then regret it so much I don't do it again. That's not me. I was willing to kill someone before. And I will kill anyone who threatens our kids," I told him.

He smiled. "I know," he said.

"Why are you so okay with it?" I wondered.

He pushed some of my hair out of my face. "As much as I would like to see you as the fragile little thing that I met what seems like a hundred years ago, I know you aren't. You were never fragile, I always knew that. I always knew who you were, and I loved you then. I don't see why I shouldn't now," he told me.

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