Ch. 10 Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire

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THE NEXT MORNING, I GOT MYSELF AND LILLY READY BEFORE GOING TO GET HOPE UP. Lilly was easier since she would actually work with me, Hope wouldn't.

"Hi, honey. Mama's here," I told the little girl, picking her up. I walked into the kitchen, where Elijah was cooking.

Him and Hayley were looking at each other, and I almost wondered if they were going to kiss. "Good morning," I said, announcing my presence.

They both looked up from each other. "Good morning," Elijah said.

"Pancakes?" a little voice yelled. We all smiled as Lilly ran into the kitchen.

"I'll see what I can do," Elijah told her.

I heard a car pull up outside. "There's someone who I think wants to see you outside," I told my daughter. She took my hand and we walked towards the door.

Klaus had decided to bring Cami here to keep her safe. The puncture wounds on her spine were part of a spell. Esther had wanted to put Rebekah in her body. Kol had messed up the spell, purposely putting Rebekah in another person's body. Finn was still, however, after Cami. So we decided that she would come here and take care of the girls while Elijah kept the three of them safe.

"He won't find you here," I could hear Klaus saying. "This is the safest place you could possibly be. Come on. There is someone I want you to meet and someone who I think will be happy to see you again. The little troublemakers all the fuss has been about."

I opened the door and stepped outside with my daughters. "Camille, this is Hope and you already know Lilly," he said, smiling at us.

"Oh, my gosh. But I- you said- I thought they were-"

Cami struggled to find something to say as she stared at my daughters.

"The only way to truly protect them was to convince the world of their deaths. I hope you understand. Once it's safe for you to leave here, our secret cannot leave with you," Klaus told her.

Cami nodded and walked over to us. "Hi, Auntie Cami," Lilly said.

Cami smiled. "Hi, sweetheart," she said, hugging the little girl.

She stood back up, trying to take Hope's little hand. Hope pulled it back, waving her tiny little fist in Klaus' direction. I laughed, smiling at him. "Oh, she is perfect," Cami said.


I walked into the living room with Lilly. "You ready to go?" Klaus asked me. The tension between us was obvious and I wasn't looking forward the the car ride back to the city.

"Umm, yeah, but Lilly has a question first," I told them, smiling. Everyone looked at the little girl, who seemed to suddenly not like having everyone's attention.

"What is it, sweetie?" Cami wondered.

"It's actually for Klaus," I said.

Everyone looked at Klaus, who looked pretty confused. Lilly walked over to him and held out a a picture she had drawn. "What is this?" Klaus asked, squatting down so he was at eye level with the little girl.

"That's Mommy, and Hope, and me and you," Lilly said, pointing to the stick figures in her drawing.

"I got included?" Klaus asked.

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