Ch. 13 The Devil is Damned

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I RETURNED THE BAYOU AFTER TALKING TO KLAUS THE OTHER NIGHT, AND HAD BEEN STAYING THERE SINCE. This morning, though, Hayley and I were both carrying brooms towards where Jackson was carving. "Why do people keep leaving broomsticks on the porch?" I asked.

"Seeing as I'm not really a sweep while the soups cooking kind of gal," Hayley said.

Jack smiled widely. "Well, back in the day it wasn't easy getting a preacher out here. So if you were engaged, and you couldn't wait then the community would let you jump the broom," he explained.

"Couldn't wait for what?" Hayley asked.

Jackson gave us a look and it hit me. I dropped the broom. "Ew. I didn't need to know that," I said.

"What?" Hayley asked, then she realized it. "Oh. Ahem." She looked at the broom in her hands in embarrassment.

"Yup. Yeah," Jackson said.

"I would have been happier with a panini press," Hayley told him.

Me and Jackson laughed at the embarrassed hybrid. "It's just a tradition," Jackson said.

"Yeah, got it. So, what are you working on?" Hayley asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Oh. I started this for your baby when you lived here before," Jack said, looking at me. He stood up. "Now that I know she's alive, I figured it was time to finish it." He pulled the sheet off, revealing parts of a crib. It had a crescent moon carved into it. I smiled.

"Um, something else. I'm getting word from a few packs outside of Louisiana. They wanna be here for the wedding. They want in on the unification ritual," he told us.

"I thought the ritual only affected the powers in our pack?" Hayley said.

"Unless they recognize me as their alpha. Then your power becomes their power," Jackson said.

"You think other alphas will step down and bow to you?" I asked, skeptical.

"They're coming here today to do just that. They want what you two have, we all do. In a couple of weeks, after the wedding, you are gonna have one hell of an army to protect your little girls," Jackson told me. I smiled. I was gonna get my babies back.


Me and Hayley went to find Jackson later. He was playing with a bunch of the younger kids. Most of them ran off as me and my sister approached, one little girl holding onto Jackson a little longer than the rest of the kids.

"Looks like I got some competition," Hayley joked.

"Unfortunately for Daisy, I am a one woman kind of guy," he told her.

"Their meeting is taking place up at Mary's," I told him.

"Okay," Jack said.

"You two go ahead, I'll be right there," I told them. The couple walked off and I ran into the woods, bumping into Marcel on my way. He backed up. "Wait, I'm your friend, I'm not going to hurt you," he said.

"Stalking me is a very funny way of showing it. And you're lucky we're friends, I would've killed you," I told him.

"Okay, remember our friendship when I tell you why I'm here. Finn sent me to get your blood," he said.

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