Ice Skating

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"(Y/N)! I have a surprise for you! Come over here!" Ben said with pure joy!

Christmas was in a few weeks and I couldn't imagine Ben giving me a gift this early. I walked over to our couch and sat down.

"Now... close your eyes! I'll tell you when you can open them." Ben exclaimed.

As I closed my eyes I could hear Ben opening a box.

"Alright (Y/N), you can open your eyes now!" Ben said almost yelling with excitement!

I opened my eyes and I was shocked! They were beautiful white figure skates with my initials etched on the side of the blades. They were absolutely stunning!

"omg Ben! They're beautiful! Thank you so much babe!" I said getting up to hug him.

Ben pulled me in close and put one hand on my  lower back and the other on my cheek. Our lips started moving in sync.

"My god Ben is such a good kisser" I kept saying in my head.

As we were making out (lol) I managed to blurt out...

"So when will I be able to use these babe?" I said breathing heavily.

"Tonight actually! I was able to rent out The Natural History Museum's ice rink in London! It's just gonna be you and I! What do you think?" Ben says taking a seat on the couch taking my hand and pulling me down with him.

"That sounds absolutely amazing! I'm just warning you now, I might possibly be the worst ice skater in the world! You might need to help me a bit!" I said laughing.

"You'll be fine!" He said smiling.

Time skip...

It was absolutely freezing outside but that didn't stop us from having a great night! The ice rink was so pretty. It was lined with lights of all sizes and colors! In the center of the rink there was a huge Christmas tree! I put my new skates on but Ben had to help me tie them because I wasn't good at that either. Ben and I walked out onto the ice! We had the whole place to ourselves!

As soon as I started to move I felt like I was going to slip. Before I could grab Ben's hand I fell butt first on the ice!

"Are you alright love? I really didn't think you were going to be this bad!" Ben says laughing as he puts his hand out to help me up!

"Oh whatever! You're just gonna have to teach me then if your so confident!" I say sarcastically as I'm wiped the ice off my bottom.

Ben takes my hand and we start to glide across the ice.

"Move your feet like you're on roller skates. Push your feet like this... left, right, left, right." Ben explains.

I was starting to get the hang of it. After a while of skating Ben and I decided to take a break and sit down on a bench right in-front of the tree in the center of the rink.

"You're getting better! I'm seeing improvement! Seeing you skate is so funny!" Ben says giggling.

"Is that right?" I replied sassily.

Ben paused for a moment and just looked me in the eyes.

"(Y/N), this has been really fun! I love you so much!" Ben said with the biggest smile on his face!

My jaw dropped! This was the first time he had ever said "I love you"! I knew exactly how to respond! I ran my fingers through his soft blond hair as I kissed him. His hands going around my waist trailing to my cheeks. This was the best feeling ever!

"I love you too Ben!" I was finally able to say!

"I guess ice skating just brings the love out of people." Ben said jokingly.

"You're such a nerd! God I love you! It feels so good to finally be able to say that!" I said giggling.

"Come on beautiful, let's finish skating!" Ben said taking my hand as we had begun to skate again.

We didn't stay out much longer as the cold became unbearable. We ended our night snuggling on the couch watching our favorite Christmas movie 'Home Alone'!

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