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Ben and the cast had just wrapped on 'Bohemian Rhapsody' when they spontaneously decided to going on a big group holiday to Scotland. It was the first day there!


"Let's do something different!" Gwilym suggests letting out a frustrating groan.

"Like what?" Rami questions.

"What about a hike through the highlands? That's different enough right?" Ben convincingly smiles.

"That sounds fun! I'm all in! Anyone else?" You ask.

Everyone nods their head in agreement.

"I've always wanted to do this! Let's go!" Ben exclaims, jumping up off the couch, pulling you with him.

"I need to get ready first babe! Let's me throw on some leggings and grab my trainers! Then we can go!" You giggle watching Ben's body shake with excitement.


Gwilym, Joe, Rami, Lucy, Ben and you have made it to the highlands. The view is absolutely stunning with the sun shining brightly, a beautiful day. Ben intertwines his fingers with yours as you begin to walk the trail.

"Is this everything you'd hoped I'd be?" You ask Ben, all smiles.

"Yes! I'm here with some of my best friends and the love of my life! It couldn't get better than this!" He blushes.

"Stop being so in love back there! It's grossing me out!" Joe turns around with a large grin on his face, trying not to laugh.

"You're just jealous, that's all!" You reply back, getting all sassy.

"You're right... I am! That's why I'm making a card board cut out of your boyfriend for the press tour that he's going missing out on!"

"Don't remind me!" Ben pretends to cry, covering his eyes with his hands. "Don't do anything inappropriate to my cutout! You hear me?" Ben teases breaking his emotional persona.

"Ben how dare you!" Joe retorts. "I would never!" He grins.

Everyone laughs at the whacky conversation as you all continue to walk up the hiking trail. The higher you go the more scenic it gets. You're able to see peaks of other hills off in the distance, ponds cover the grasslands below. Gwilym whips out his phone to take a selfie with the view in the background, when you get an idea to take a picture of all the boys together!

"Let me get some photos of you guys! It'll be fun!" You raise your voice loud enough so that everyone on the trail can hear you.

"Ohh yes!" Joe exclaims, Gwilym handing his phone over to you.

"What about Rami and Lucy?" Ben asks letting go of your hand as he walks over to Gwilym and Joe.

"They're so far down the trail! We'll get some of all you guys together some other time!" You lift Gwilym's phone up, trying to find a good angle to take the pictures.

"Let's do a serious one! I'd be funny!" Joe laughs to himself.

They start doing funny poses as you begin taking the photos. You giggle at their hilarious pose choices.

"Looking good boys!" You shout.

"I think we look damn sexy!" Gwilym joking states.

"Obviously!" Joe sassily pretends to whip hair from off his shoulder.

Ben walks over to you, kissing you on the lips.

"How'd the photos turn out love?"

"Good!" You kiss him back.

"Alright, ready to finish this trail?" Gwilym interrupts.

"Yeah yeah! Let's go!" Ben laughs shaking his head, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

You finally reached the end of the trail, your legs practically numb from all the walking.

"Phew!" You wipe your forehead. "I'm exhausted!"

"I'm doing alright actually!" Ben says quite satisfied with the workout.

"Sorry we're not all super fit like you Ben! We try our best!" Joe teasingly squawks walking behind him.

"Ohhh whatever!" Ben tuts while a smile grows across his lips.

"I'm gonna sleep well tonight!" You giggle.

"Oh yes you will!" Ben winks and nudges your shoulder.

"Give it a rest you too!" Gwilym jokes.

"Alright alright!" Ben puts his hands up in the air trying to act all innocent.

"We've got to wait for Lucy and Rami to come back!" You groan.

"Slowpokes!" Joe rolls his eyes.

You wait another 20 minutes for them to show. Finally you spot them within eyes view, walking down the last bit of the hiking trail.

"Here they come! Finally!" Your head picking up off Ben's shoulder as you all sat on the gravel waiting for them to come back.

Everyone stands up, waving Rami and Lucy in your direction. They finally reach the group! You all decide to go back to the car, driving back to the hotel. You and Ben go to your room and get ready for bed. Ben wraps his arms around your waist pulling you into his warm chest.

"Today was fun!" Ben whispers into your ear.

"Very! Can't wait for the rest of the week!" You turn your head to kiss Ben's soft lips, before falling asleep in his arms.

A/N: I cAn'T wRiTe FoR sHiT tOdAy! I'm so annoyed!🙃

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