Meeting the Band (Roger Taylor)

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"Calm down! There's nothing to worry about! They'll love you!" Roger insists, his hand lying on your back, guiding you towards the recording studio's door.

"I sure hope so!" You laugh optimistically, turning the doorknob to enter the room.

You step inside the recording studio. Smoke filling the air, with a lingering stench of alcohol. You spot three familiar faces in the booth, behind the sound proof glass. Roger walks up to the glass, making his presence known, waving like a maniac to grab their attention. The boys smile and head towards the booth's door.

"Roger? Is that who I think it is?" Freddie smirks at Rog as he walks out.

"It is yeah!" Roger begins to blush, a rosy pink tone flushing his cheeks.

"Hi!" You say nervously, shrugging your shoulders.

"Hello dear! We've been hearing about you for weeks! Rogers favorite word is (Y/N)! He practically uses it in every sentence!" Freddie makes himself laugh.

Roger rolls his eyes in embarrassment.

"He really does, doesn't he!" Brian snarks, giving you a toothy smile.

"Mhm." John adds.

"Enough! You guys are complete wankers!" Roger huffs, walking over to you.

Roger approaches from behind you, wrapping his arms around your waists, pulling you into him.

"Anyways, I think a formal introduction is due Rog" Freddie suggests.

"Yes!" He hugs you tighter. "As you all know, this is (Y/N)." Roger leads you to the couch where Brian, and John are sat. "This is John."

"Hello! So good to finally meet you!" John says getting up, giving you a gentle hug.

"You too!" You smile.

You then turn to face Brian. He gets off the couch as well, opening his arms in search for a hug.

"Yes yes! Very nice to meet you!" He giggles aloud, releasing from the quick embrace.

"I'm so relived!" You let out a deep breath, taking a step back towards Roger.

"Why dear?" Freddie's ears prick up.

"I was just nervous to meet you guys! I thought you may not like me or something." You mumble the last few words.

"(Y/N)! Roger has said nothing but great things about you! So far, you haven't made a bad impression." Brian cracks a smile as he raises his shoulders.

"I told you!" Roger kisses the top of your head. "I'd be a load of bollocks if they didn't!"

"Thanks Rog!" You give him a quick kiss on the lips.

Freddie claps loudly. "Alright! We need to get recording, before we go off schedule! In the booth lovies!"

"Yeah yeah!" All three boys respond.

"This'll be the first time you watch us record too!" Roger smiles. "Make yourself at home babe! Get comfortable and I'll be out before you know it!" He winks whilst walking into the booth with the rest of the band.

You wave to him as he recorded his vocals and drum solos. An hour and a half passes before the band steps out of the booth.

"Good job boys!" John says, a tired undertone lies beneath his voice.

They all nod and smile. Roger walks over to the couch your sat on.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup!" You reply, quite tired as well.

"Nice meeting you all! I'll be seeing lots of you in the coming months!" You smile, making sure to wave to all of them before stepping out of the recording studio's door.

"They loved you!" Roger's eyes light up, kissing your lips slowly before walking out of the building.

"Thank god!"

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