New Parents

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(B/N) = Baby's Name

"One more push love!" Ben says squeezing your hand as you push out your baby girl.

You yelp in pain as you give one last strong push. You quickly glance in Ben's direction to see his face. He seems a bit shaken up at your current state but you notice his eyes filling up with moisture being as though this is such a precious moment for the both of you, entering a child into the world. You feel a huge release in your core, when you get your first glimpse at you and Ben's child. She begins to cry but it's music to your ears.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hardy! A beautifully healthy baby girl!" The doctor exclaims as he supports your child from in between your legs, "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" The doctor suggests as he's handed a pair of surgical scissors by a nurse.

"Please!" Ben says wiping a tear from his eye, grabbing the scissors.

You take a well deserved deep breath, as you comfortably lay back down in the hospital bed. Ben cuts the umbilical cord with a huge smile as he's extremely humbled to do so. He hands a nurse the scissors, coming back over to your bedside.

"We're going to clean her up quickly and we'll have her back to you in no time!" The doctor says as he carries her towards the corner of the room.

"I love you so much!" Ben says kissing the top of your head, "You're so strong."

"Love you too!" You pull his face down to lightly kiss his lips. "Can you believe it? We have a baby!" You giggle.

"Best moment of my life! I can't wait to bring her home!" He smiles, taking your hand back into his.

The doctor walks back over to your bed with your angel of a child. He places her on your chest. She's wrapped in a white blanket with blue stripes running across it. They've also given her a pink beanie to cover her tiny head.

"Thank you, truly!" You can barley speak as you've become choked up at this beautiful sight.

"She's absolutely perfect!" Ben says rubbing her cheek with the back of his fingers.

"What would you like to name her?" A nurse asks kindly as she's holding a clipboard with a birth certificate attached to it.

You look at Ben to make sure your original name choice was still the plan. He nods, still smiling.

"(B/N)." You say looking back down at your newborn.


"We're home (B/N)!" Ben says pulling into your homes driveway.

You notice a few cars parked along the sides of the road. Did Ben plan something? Ben parks the car and opens the door for you. You grab (B/N) and her car seat carrier as Ben grabs the hospital bag out from the trunk. You walk up to the front door while Ben unlocks it. As the door slowly swings open you notice a banner hung from the banister of your stairway that reads "Welcome home (Y/N), Ben and baby (B/N)!" Just below the sign awaits Joe, Gwilym, Allen, Rami and Lucy.

You gasp at the surprise in your home. Ben planned this and asked everyone to come and welcome you three back after a long few days in the hospital.

"Wow! Thank you!" You say, gently handing Ben, (B/N) in her car seat carrier so your able to greet everyone.

You give everyone hugs as you all begin to chat about the delivery and how (B/N) has been for you and Ben so far. Ben tells all the boys that when (B/N) gets older that they'll all be considered uncles and that Lucy will be counted as an aunt. Joes thrilled about this news because that's all he's ever wanted, to somehow be apart of Ben's family. Lucy says she can already tell who (B/N) looks more like, Ben. She says she has his eyes and nose which makes you happy because you love those traits about Ben. Joe, Gwilym, Allen, Rami and Lucy didn't want to keep you all day as you've just gotten home and are extremely tired, so they leave early.

It's 7:00 pm and you're sat on the couch when you suddenly hear Ben speak quietly upstairs. What's going on up there? You get up from the sofa, walking up the stairs. Ben's in the nursery giving (B/N) a tour of her room. You stand in the doorway to watch, Ben hasn't noticed your presence yet.

"This is your closet where all your cute little outfits are gonna be." Ben kisses (B/N)'s cheek as he rubs her back whilst he carries her around the room. "And this is the diaper changing station which is good for you but not fun for me." You can hear Ben giggle softly as he speaks.

"You two are adorable!" You finally say, Ben turning around.

"Say hi to mommy!" Ben says gently taking (B/N)'s hand and waving it at you.

"Hi love!" You say walking towards a smiley Ben and your cute baby. "What are you doing?" You giggle.

"Just giving our little princess a tour of her new nursery." He says kissing your lips.

"Lovely idea, but we should probably put her down now. It's getting late."

"Right!" Ben smiles, "I've set up the crib in our bedroom already."

"Perfect! Thank you baby!" You kiss his cheek as you walk into your bedroom.

Ben places (B/N) down in her crib which is set up right next to your side of the bed. You make sure everything is correct and in order before getting comfortable yourself.

You throw on some jammies and cozy up in bed. You feel Ben's arms wrap around your waist.

"Thank you for today." You whisper so you don't wake up your baby girl.

"Anything for you my love!" He whispers back as he nuzzles his face into the crick of your neck.

You both fall asleep before being awoken by (B/N)'s cries. You look at the clock beside you, it reads 3:12 am. You groan as you begin to wake up.

"(Y/N)." Ben says groggily, "I've got her, you get some rest." Ben insists, kissing your cheek, as he gets up from the warm bed you both share.

He's going to be a great father!

Ben Hardy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now