Sick Day

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(Y/NN) = Your Nickname

After a long day at work, I make myself a cup of tea waiting for my fiancé to walk through the door. I sit on the couch and I put on season two of 'You', my current favorite show to pass the time.

After about two episodes, you see the doorknob begin to wiggle. It frightens me at first as I immediately think of Joe Goldberg. Thankfully for me, Ben walks through the door looking handsome as ever. His nose looks to have a harsh tint of red at the tip, worrying me.

"Hi Benny", you say sitting up on the couch, "you alright?"

"Yeah I think I've caught a slight cold. I've been blowing my nose all day." Ben says sounding extremely congested.

"Want me to make you a cup of tea? It may help clear you up." I suggest.

"Yes that'd be amazing (Y/NN)" Ben says with a few sniffles in between.

Ben sits at the kitchen table, laying his head in his crossed arms, closing his eyes as he waits for the tea to finish.

You place a cup in-front of his hands, tapping him gently.

"Ben it's ready," you whisper, "let's take you upstairs, I'll tuck you in and give you back rubs okay?"

"Okay" he says slowing making his way upstairs.

Ben plops his sick self onto the bed. I lift the comforter over him, making sure he was completely covered. Ben places his tea on one of the many coasters on the nightstand next to him.

"Roll over" I say giggling a bit. "Back rub time" I say in a goofy way, hoping to make him smile.

A small laugh emits from Ben's mouth making me happy. I lift up his shirt as I beginning rub his strong, structured back. I hear Ben mumble something. I couldn't hear him as his head was face first into his pillow.

"What?" You say.

"Eh wuv euh" He mumbles louder into the pillow.

"Ben you're a goof, lift your head up and talk like a normal person." You laugh trying to figure out what in the world he was trying to say.

Ben turns his head to face me, "I love you!"

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"You're so beautiful (Y/NN). Thanks for taking care of me today. I could never imagine myself with anyone else. I'm the luckiest man in the world, I can't believe you're mine. I can't wait to marry you." Ben says as he sits up.

He leans over and pulls my head towards his. Our lips meet, butterflies fill my stomach like it was our first kiss. We eventually pull away from one another.

"I love you too" You say back.

Ben smiles as he plays with my hair.

"I'm going to get sick now because of you." I tease with a devious smile on my face.

"Then we'll be sick together." Ben laughs.

Ben and I cuddled the rest of the night, falling asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: Finally back!! Whooo hooo! I know this isn't my strongest imagine but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. Nevertheless I'm excited to start writing again ❤️

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