Forgive and Forget Pt. 2 (Roger Taylor)

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Queen were definitely going places, and so was your relationship with Roger. You'd been together now for 8 months. He treated you so well. Queen was on their UK tour. You always go to their shows but you've missed a few because of your work schedule. You promised Roger you'd come to the show in London tonight. He was over the moon about you coming, he couldn't contain his excitement.

That night

Roger left early, which left you extra time to get ready. You put on the dress Roger bought you for an album press release party. It was a beautiful black dress with lace sleeves. You paired it with red heels. You looked stunning and you knew Roger would agree. Roger scheduled a limo to come pick you up, so you waited by the window as you watched for the car to pull up.

The limo pulled up to the venue, dodging paparazzi left and right. Before you could even step out of the car, they had already begun snapping photos of you. The weird part was, they weren't just taking pictures of you. Another car pulls up right behind yours. A women with golden brown hair steps out. Who the hell is that? You were confused because you had never seen this woman before. Shes not a girlfriend of the boys? Who could she be, that the paparazzi would want photos of her? You couldn't figure it out, so you disregarded the thought. You walked into the venue and made your way towards the stage, taking your seat near the front. The show began, the crowd was fantastic! Roger looked hot as always, up there doing his thing. Occasionally finding me in the crowd, shooting smiles and smirks my way.


The show just ended. After all the shows you attend, you meet Roger backstage and hangout with the band. Walking away from your seat, you make your way backstage. You ask security which room the band was in and he gives you the room number. "39" Your eyes scanning each door to find their dressing room. Getting closer, you can hear Brian's voice. You could tell he was concerned by the tone of his voice.

"Roger! You know she's here right?"

"You must be joking?" You hear Roger reply.

"I overheard someone saying that she's gonna come backstage and see you in a few minutes!"

"I can't stand that bitch! If she comes back here, I might just loose it!" Rogers voice fueled with rage.

Is he talking about me? How could he say such cruel things? He told me he was so excited that I was coming! After ease dropping on Roger and Brian's conversation, you immediately turn around and begin walking away. Before you turn out of the hallway that the band's dressing room was in, Freddie walks out of the bathroom door.

"(Y/N)?" Freddie asks, looking concerned.

"Freddie!" You say surprised, turning around, wiping mascara off your cheeks.

"What's wrong dear?" He says as he wraps his arm around your shoulder.

"Roger! He's such a twat! I thought we loved each other!" You wept into his chest.

"Don't cry darling! You stay here, I'll go talk with him and see what's going on!" Freddie says as he began to strut down the hall, turning into their dressing room.

You leaned your body against the wall as you waited. A few minutes passed, Freddie still in the dressing room. Suddenly, the women you saw stepping out of the limo earlier was making her way towards the bands dressing room. Before she could walk in, Roger steps out.

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?" Roger yelps.

"I really miss you Rog!" The women proclaims.

"Well I don't! I need you out now!" He says pointing to the doors leading outside.

"Roger please! We broke up almost a year and a half ago! You don't have any feelings for me?" Her face becoming red hot as her anger spiked.

"I haven't given you one thought since the day I broke up with you! I'm in love with (Y/N), my beautiful girlfriend. Now if you don't mind, please get out before I call security." Roger says trying to contain his anger.

"You know what Roger, I'm glad you broke up with me! I wouldn't want to be with you anyway, you wanker!"

"Right! That's why you came running back to me!" Roger yells down the hall laughing as the women ran off.

Roger spotted you standing at the end of the hallway in complete shock. You ran to him, giving him the biggest hug.

"(Y/N), those things you overheard me saying to Brian, they weren't about you my love!" Rogers says in your ear, as you both still embrace in a hug.

"I put the pieces together!" You say laughing as you let go of him. "Who was that anyway?"

"My ex, Cheryl. Shes mental! I told her I never wanted to see her again, but she showed up anyway." He says tucking your hair behind your ear.

"Oooo I see. When I was getting out of the limo tonight, she pulled up right behind me. The paparazzi were taking pictures of the both of us!"

"That's gonna look great in the press isn't it!" Roger shakes his head "Is Roger Taylor cheating on girlfriend for an ex lover?"

"Don't worry about it! We both know the truth and so do the boys!" You say reassuringly.

"Yeah, you're right!" Roger says kissing your lips.

"Love you!" You say as you pout your lips begging for another kiss.

"Love you too!" He says kissing you once more.

Roger spanks your bum as he leads you to the dressing room.

"Is everything alright?" John asks as you and Roger walk through the door.

"Come on Deaky! Can't you see? Rog has his hand on (Y/N) ass, which means things are more than alright my dear." Freddie pipes.

You begin to blush, pink flushing your face. Roger looks at you with a smug little grin. You smile back.

"(Y/N), I think you need a drink." Brian says handing me a beer.

"I do indeed!" You reply cracking open the bottle.

"Me too!" Roger cries out.

Brian hands him a beer too. Roger sits down on one of many couches in the dressing room. You follow right behind, plopping down right next to him. You nuzzle your head into his chest, making yourself comfortable.

"You'd never leave me, right?" You ask Roger as he begins to run his finger through your hair.

"Never! Unless you end up like Cheryl." He teases as he kisses your head.

"I don't think you need to worry about that!" You giggle lifting your head off Roger's chest, kissing his soft lips.

"Get a room you two!" John yells from across the room.

"You're just jealous!" Roger calls back in a serious tone, trying to be funny.

You smiled, placing your head back into Rogers chest. How'd I get so lucky?

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