Vocal Rest (Roger Taylor)

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You wake up to Roger coughing uncontrollably. He has a big day today! He's recording one of Fred's new songs, 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Freddie told Roger that they're recording the operatic section, specifically the high notes.

"Roger!" You call out. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah! I'm fine!" Roger croaks.

"Are you sure?" You say unconvinced by his answer as you slowly make your way out of bed.

You walk into the kitchen, where Roger is chugging hot tea.

"Rog?! What are you doing?" You ask while you push the cup away from him mouth.

"I'm just thirsty, that's all!" His voice cracking as he wipes tea off his mouth.

"Your voice!" You blurt out.

"I know!" Roger lets out a big sigh.

"You think you can record today?"

"Probably not, no! Fred is gonna be pissed!"

"Let's call him! You have to tell him!" You say making your way to the phone.

"(Y/N), you know he hates when the schedule changes."

"He needs to know! Your voice needs rest!"

"Please no!" Roger cries out.

Before he could change your mind you began to dial Freddie's number. The phone rang for a few seconds before he picked up.

"Hello!" Freddie's sweet voice said coming through the phone's speaker.

"Hey Fred, it's (Y/N)!"

"Hi dear! How are things at the Taylor residence?" He asks laughing.

"Well, that's why I'm calling actually. Rog woke up this morning practically without a voice." Roger put his hand on his forehead, his eyes closed and shook his head.

"You've got to be kidding?" Freddie's voice blasting through the phone.

Rogers eyes went wide, looking at you.

"This is perfect!" Freddie exclaims. "Brian really wanted to record his guitar solo today anyways."

"Oh my god!" Roger whispers in disbelief as he let out the breath he was holding in.

"Oh well that worked out perfectly didn't it!" You laughed.

"Indeed it did! Let me speak to Roger, please." Freddie insisted.

You hand the phone out towards Roger, the cord stretching as far as it could go.

"Get over here!" You whispered aggressively.

"Is he mad?" Roger whispers back as he took steps towards the phone.

"I don't think so. You'll find out in a second!" You giggled, amused by his fear.

"Fred?" Roger says into the phone, hoping for a nice reply.

"Roger, fix your fucking voice dear or you're out of the band!" Freddie persists.

"Are you joking?" Rogers practically shitting his pants.

"Of course I am, but we need to start vocals soon, so fix your damn voice!"

"Alright Fred!" Rogers voice starting to crack even more.

"I can't stand another minute listening to you this way! I'll see you soon!" Freddie hangs up the phone.

Roger puts the phone back in its place, hanging up as well.

"So?" You ask.

"I don't even know with Freddie sometimes." Roger laughs which then turns into a cough.

"I think you need to rest babe." You suggest.

"Let's go to the bedroom!" Roger smirks.

"Rog! This is no time to fool around!" You nudge his shoulder. "You have an album to record. We can mess around when your voice gets better."

"It'll be better tomorrow!" Roger sounded hopeful as the smirk on his face still remained.

"It won't unless you rest up! Go lay down upstairs and I'll bring you some more tea."

He groans as he makes his way to the stairs.

"I love you! I'll be up in a minute!" You call.

"Love you too!" Roger calls back.

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