First Date

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Ben and I had met at a local coffee shop in London. He was in front of me in line and decided to pay for the persons drink behind him. When I got up to the counter the cashier said,

"Oh, the person in front of you paid for your drink! It's your lucky day! Have a good one!"

"Aww thanks! You too!" I replied.

I had stepped away from the counter taking sips from my drink trying to find the cute blonde guy that stood in front of me so I could thank him. I couldn't find him so I decided to walk out of the shop. As I was walking away I was pleased when I heard a deep mans voice coming from behind me,

"Hey! Uh...Hi!" He said nervously trying to get my attention.

I turned around and I was so happy! It was the handsome blonde who paid for my drink!

"Hey! You paid for my drink right?"

"Yeah yeah!" Ben replied quickly licking his lips anxiously.

"Ahh thanks! That was really sweet! What's your name?" I said stepping closer to him as the distance between him and I was quite vast.

"No problem! None at all!" Ben laughed a bit. "My names Ben, and yours love?"

"(Y/N)" I answered with a smile. "So just out of curiosity why'd you pay for mine?"

"I just thought a beautiful girl like you shouldn't have to." Ben said blushing like crazy.

"What a gentleman!" I said sarcastically as I had become more comfortable talking with Ben.

"Oh haha!" He said being very sarcastic, moving his head left and right with every word he spoke. "Anyways (Y/N), I was wondering if you were free this weekend? Maybe take you out, do something fun?" Ben asked.

"Of course! I've got nothing going on so why not!" I said smiling big. "What did you have in mind?"

" you like ice cream?" Ben said excitedly.

"Ughh yeah!" I said loudly, giggling a bit.

"Alright then...perfect! See you this weekend!" Ben said as he started to blush again.

I then proceeded to put my number in his phone so we could text each other before the date.

*Flashback over*

Ben and I had been texting for three days as we met on Wednesday. It was finally Saturday and I couldn't wait to see Ben again! He was going to pick me up at 5:30. I put on a white sort sleeved blouse and a pair or jean shorts, also applied a natural makeup look. It was a pretty warm summer evening so it was perfect. Ben was right on time, 5:30 on the dot.

"Wow! You look stunning." Ben said looking at me as I stepped in his car.

"Thank you! You look pretty sexy if I do say so myself." I replied happily.

Ben turned to me and smiled. I wanted to kiss him in that moment but it was too soon. I needed to say something before I did something stupid.

"Alright! Off for ice cream!" I blurted out.

"Okay okay someone's excited!" Ben said laughing.

I had my hands placed in between my legs when I felt Ben's hand trailing across my thigh to reach mine. He put my hand up against his and wrapped his fingers around mine. My heart fluttered! We pulled up to a place called "Udderlicious Ice Cream" in London. Ben ordered 2 scoops of cookie dough ice cream and I ordered 2 scoops of (Your favorite flavor). We were right in the heart of downtown London so we decided to take our ice cream to go.

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