Surprise Party

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Ben's 28th Birthday was coming up. We talked about throwing a big party but he didn't seem interested. I still needed to do a little something so I thought of inviting a few of his best mates over. I asked Joe, Rami, Gwilym and Lucy to come and thank god they were all available!

Time skip...

It was the night of the party! Ben was at the gym so we all had plenty of time to set up!

"Hey (Y/N)! Where should I start putting the streamers?" Joe asked.

"Mhm...everywhere! Let's make this place look crazy!" I replied laughing!

Rami and Lucy were in charge of bringing the cake! I had no idea they could bake so well! Somehow they put a mini Ben Cardy in the center! Ben was going to love it! Gwilym brought some balloons to disperse around our flat as well.

The flat looked a little hectic but I thought it looked perfect! I texted Ben to see when he'd be home.


Hey babe? When will you be home?


10 minutes! Can't wait to see me huh?😉


oh yeah yeah! Please hurry😘

"Alright guys! Ben said he'd be here in 10 minuets!" I said as everyone was sitting on the couch waiting for Ben.

"Tell him to hurry up!" Rami said as Lucy lightly nudged his shoulder and shushed his quietly.

"I already did! Don't worry!" I replied reassuringly.

8 minutes pass and it was time to get in our places! Joe hid behind a chair closest to the door. Rami and Lucy both squeezed behind our couch. Gwilym hid behind the island in the kitchen, and I decided to to sit on the couch so when Ben walked in he wouldn't suspect a thing.

"Guys!" I said quietly. "Everyone remember when to jump out?"

"When you ask, "how was the gym?"!" All 4 replied out of sync with one another.

"Okay perfect!" I said getting comfortable on the couch making it look like I've been there for a while.

Ben's car pulls into the driveway, he steps out and makes his way toward the door. The doorknob begins to shake as Ben's twisting the the key inside. The door opens and reveals a very sweaty Ben!

"Hey baby!" I said very eager to ask how the gym went.

"You've been waiting for me huh?" Ben said smiling as he walked over to me.

"So... how was the gym?" I asked.

Before he could answer Joe, Lucy, Rami, and Gwilym popped out from their hiding spots and yelled "Happy Birthday Ben!" Ben jumped a little bit.

"Woah" Ben said laughing. "Wasn't expect this!"

"I know you didn't want a big party so I thought I'd invite your best mates over!" I said as Ben took my hand to help me up from the couch.

"This is great! Good to see you guys! It's been awhile!" Ben says greeting everyone.

After he talks with everyone individually for a bit he came back over to me. He pulled me aside and said

"Babe you really didn't have to do anything!"

"But I wanted to! I love you too much not to celebrate!" I replied kissing him. I laid my head on his shoulder and took his hand into mine.

"Okay! Who's ready for gifts!" Joe practically yelled.

"Yeah yeah, sure!" Ben replied as we walked walked into the living room.

"Okay me first because I've probably one up'ed you all!" Joe said smirking as he pushed a rather large box towards Ben.

Ben starts to tear apart the wrapping paper to reveal a Karaoke Machine. Ben laughed because he knew exactly why Joe had given this to him.

"What's so funny?" Lucy asked shooting a rather confused look over to Joe.

"Ben couldn't make the press tour in Japan and while we were there we went to a Karaoke bar. All night we were sending videos of us to Ben slaughtering iconic songs. So I thought he needed one." Joe replied as Ben was shaking his head laughing.

"Well thanks mate! (Y/N) and I are gonna absolutely kill it with this thing one night!"

"Oh god!" I said as everyone started to laugh.

"Okay who's next?" Joe asked.

"We'll go!" Lucy answered hesitantly.

"We didn't really know what to get you so we just got a gift card to your favorite restaurant." Rami said a little embarrassed as Joes gift actually had sentimental value.

"That's alright! I can take (Y/N) out for a nice dinner one night!" Ben said looking at me.

I gave a soft smile and cozied up to Ben even more.

"Alright, I guess I'm the last one to go! Gwilym said as he handed a thin rectangular box over to Ben.

Ben clawed away at the wrapping paper. Underneath was a pair of brand new drum sticks.

"I remember you saying you broke yours so there you go!" Gwilym said happily.

"Oooh thanks mate! These are pretty sick! I was actually about to buy a new set!" Ben said excitedly. "Well thanks everyone! Everything was very lovely!" Ben finished.

Everyone began to chat among themselves. I leaned over just a bit so I could reach Ben's ear. I whispered,

"My gift for you is upstairs!"

Ben turned to look at me as he smirked, biting his lip.

"Can't wait!" He said excitedly.

An hour passes. We all chatted about future projects and things we all had planned in the upcoming months. We all decided it was time for cake as it was becoming quite late. Lucy lead everyone to the kitchen so she could unveil her and Rami's work. Lucy lifted the box's top to reveal Ben's cake. Ben began to laugh as the first thing he noticed was the mini Ben Cardy in the center.

"This is fantastic!" Ben said in awe!

We all had our cake at the table. Before we could eat we sang happy birthday. He hated being sung to. Ben being embarrassed is so cute because his cheeks become all red. After everyone was finished it was pretty late, and it was time for the mini party to end. Ben said thank you to everyone as they walked out the door. He turned around, closing the door, smirking as he said,

"So when's it time for your present?"

"Right now if you'd like!" I said taking Ben's hand leading him up to the bedroom.

Let's just say, he had a pretty good birthday.

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