Chapter 1: The Slut

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Today is officially my last, first day of high school, and I can hardly wait for it to end. I am now officially a senior at Pacific Northwest Private, a shitty school, full of shitty people, and of course, shitty uniforms. I think to myself as I look into the mirror at my mid-thigh length, black skirt, of course, rolled up to be this length, my white, short-sleeve button-down shirt, and a thin, ribbon-like bow tie. On the bright side, I don't have to spend a crap ton of money on other clothes. After I've applied a little mascara to my lashes and a little lip balm, I hurry out of my room and into the kitchen.

"Morning parentals," I say as they continuing looking down at the pile of work in front of them, too busy to notice I have entered the room.

"Morning, Blythe! How are you?" My mom says, though, I doubt she will even listen to my answer.

"Fan-fucking-tastic," I say, earning a nod from my mom. Perks of having parents who love their work more than anything, you can get away with lots.

I don't even say goodbye to them and head out the door. I pull into the parking lot of PNP around 10 minutes later, thankful to find a parking spot close to the front of the school. PNP isn't a huge school; we have about 200 students in each class this year but, you could never tell that from the outside. I was shocked when I first came here freshman year. From the outside, the school looks giant. We have three large brick buildings, all looking like they could have come straight out of the olden days, and then behind them a large glass building that always sticks out like a sore thumb.

I start heading into the school when out of the corner of my eyes, I see a girl with curly blonde hair heading in my direction. "Sam!" I smile as I call her name and run to give her a hug, "You fucking bitch! I hate you for leaving me all summer long. I had to hang out with all the guys without you."

"And you didn't seem to have a problem with that," She smirks at me. I will be the first to admit, I do enjoy hanging out with them and occasionally doing other things. "I heard you and Danny finally did the dead, I thought he wasn't into casual sex?"

"I am going to murder those guys, they can't keep their stupid mouths shut."

"Much like your legs," a male voice says from behind me. I spin around to see Kyle, my best male friend in the entire world, Sam, him, and I have been inseparable since the 5th grade.

"There's nothing wrong with casual sex. And for your information, Danny came to me first." I smirk at them.

"Let's head inside before we get detention on the first day," Sam says with a laugh as she watches Kyle and I bicker with each other. We follow her orders and head off to our separate classes. I'm rarely in classes with any of my friends because I have always enjoyed being placed in advanced courses. My first class of the day is an experimental course that seniors are allowed to take instead of an extra math or science course, the specific one I got into is called Self and Identity.

When I walk into the class, I'm caught by surprise at the look of our teacher. She's a short lady with auburn colored hair that falls perfectly down her shoulders; the more I look at her, the more I am convinced she can't be over the age of 25. The bell for class to begin rings, silencing everyone around me, and the little teacher steps forward from behind the desk.

"Hi, class, my name is Mrs. Gould, and I would like to welcome you to Self and Identity. As you know, this is an experimental course, so the school is trying to find out if it is an elective student would like to take." She clears her throat before continuing, "This class will not have any tests or quizzes and instead consist of one project you and another student will be completing together." She tells us about the project, and it's basically just us getting to know the other person throughout the semester and seeing how much we can learn about the other and ourselves during the time. Pretty simple, thank god.

Mrs. Gould continues on talking, "Today, I am going to assign partners, and I want you to spend the rest of the period getting to know one another. I have a list of questions to help guide your conversations today." She hands out the questions, and I half-laugh at them, all of which are dumb icebreaker questions that make me want to punch myself. She then starts calling out names of students who will be paired together, she gets through half the names before I hear, " Blythe Rogers and Justin McMiller."

I look to my right and see a boy stand from his seat, giving me a small smile. My graduating class is not very large, so I recognize him almost right away, he's on the lacrosse team. Justin Mcmiller is one of those kids that is cute but, in practically a dorky/nerdy way, he's tall and slim, with brown hair that is slightly longer and shaggy, he's got the right amount of facial hair, kind of a five o'clock shadow, and bright blue eyes. He's wearing the typical male uniform, a nice pair of khaki pants that fit him very well, an untucked white shirt, and a blue blazer jacket.

"Hey, I'm Justin." He says, extending a hand to me.

"Blythe," I smile back while shaking his hand, "So partner, tell me about yourself."

As Justin is telling me about his life and what he is planning on doing after high school, I can clearly see that his eye won't meet mine for much longer than a few seconds. I nod along with him as he is talking, but I continuously find myself zoning in and out.

"What about you?" He says, combing his hair out of his face with his long fingers.

"After high school, I want to travel, maybe Germany or Thailand," I say with a laugh, knowing he probably won't think its a smart idea.

"That's super cool!" He smiles, "you have a nice laugh, by the way."

My mouth snaps shut, and I stare at him, "Uh, thanks?" I start looking around the room, becoming uncomfortable by his comment and see a few guys, one of which I have hooked up with, staring at Justin and me while making vulgar hand gestures at us. I snap my head back around to Justin, who seems to see them too, his face flushing red.

"So, we should exchange numbers, you never know when I will need to talk to you," I smirk at him, while I see his face turn a deeper red color. He hands me his phone quickly, and I type his number in as the bell ring.

"Well, Blythe, I will see you later," he says with a smile on his face, and his hands shoved deep in his pockets. I give him a small wave and turn to the two idiots I know are now standing behind me.

"So if you fuck him, will that mean every guy at this school has been in your panties," the dumbass in the green shirt says.

"No sweetheart, I would have to fuck you too, and I'm just not into walking STDs," I say with a smirk, while Mason, the boy I have slept with, pulls his friend away from me and out the door. God, boys at this school, are idiots. Oh, and by the way, I have not slept with that many of them!!!

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