Chapter 6: The Betrayal

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Today was going to be hell and I knew it. I had to face Justin, we had to work on the project, we had a major portion of it due next week. I fucked up majorly and I knew it. I have no idea how to fix it, I don't usually have to fix this kind of shit.

I walk into self and Identity and take a seat without speaking to anyone. The only thing going through my mind was today is going to suck. A figure walks up to where I am sitting and stops cold in its tracks directly in front of me. I slowly look up to meet eyes with a clearly still pissed Justin.


"Don't, don't act all innocent," he snapped at me, "what you did was beyond wrong." he sat down in the desk next to me but, didn't say another word.

"Good morning class, today we are going to have a quick activity and then the rest of the period is a free period to continue helping each group getting to know each other!" Mrs. Gould says as the bell to start class sounds. "The activity we are completing today will be an individual writing assignment, I want you to write two words that describe your project partner and then a few paragraphs explaining why. Once, you are done bring the paper to me and the rest of the period is, again, a free period."

Wow, we couldn't have found a better day to have to write this. Justin is probably going to write some horrible shit because I'm a fucking asshole.

I pull out a piece of paper and write the first two words that come to my mind when thinking about Justin: Charismatic and real. And I start writing my reasons why:

Justin is one of those people that no matter mood I am in or how much I would just rather not talk, he will get me to talk. Something about him just makes me comfortable, happy, alive, and most importantly wanted (not in a creepy way). When he talks you can tell he cares and when you talk he actually listens. He could talk to me about almost anything and I would probably agree with him. He is the most charismatic person I have ever met.

And he is real for so many more reasons. He is the first ever person to tell me like it is when it comes to some of my sexual choices and I've had the same best friend for the last five years and she couldn't even tell me the truth. He tells you like it is with no bull shit and no sugar coating it. He is never someone he isn't and he is always who you expect him to be: himself. He is by far the most real person at this school and maybe even in this world. 

I stop writing and put my name at the top of the paper before turning it into Mrs. Gould. When I return to my seat, I see that Justin has already finished writing but, I wasn't holding my breath for him to actually talk to me.

"Blythe, can we talk out in the hall?" I hear him say, and nod my head yes.

Once outside of the classroom I look up at him, "I am so sorry Justin. I should not have said the things I did, I was having a shit weekend and for some reason, I snapped."

"Can I ask you why you snapped?"

"I hate feeling like a dirty secret. I know I am a slut, I don't hide it, obviously. But, I still don't like being treated like some girl someone bought off the street the night before."

"I know and I'm sorry about that. It's just, Heather is one of those girls that is really judgemental and I was afraid she would freak out," he said pushing back his long hair, "But, if I'm being perfectly honest I'm still not sure I'm ready to date."

"You will figure it out," I say with a smile but, it quickly fades when I think of Heather, "So, I'm guessing we won't be hanging out much anymore?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I can not see Heather being to happy with us hanging out after my little outburst," I reply sheepishly.

"Heather and I have only gone on that one date, she is in no place to tell me who I can't hang out with," he says before twisting his lips into a cocky smirk, "I'm glad you were worried about us not hanging out." I roll my eyes.

"Friends?" I ask out stretching my hand toward him.

"Friends." he confirmed but, instead of taking my hand he pulled me into a tight hug. We pull apart right when the end of class bell rings and the halls start filling with students.

Mason steps out of our class and grabs my arm before I can start walking off, "I've missed you Blythe," he says lust pouring out of him as he pulls me down the hall.

"Mason, where are you taking me?" I say before he pulls me into the south stairwell, a stairwell that leads the students to the perfect hook up spot, the old student lounge. The lounge has been closed and locked up for years, teachers realizd that it's location, the basement of the school, made for a great hook up spot. But, about 6 months ago a student found its key and charged a few students to buy a copy of it, Mason being one of them. I stop cold at the top of the stairs.

"Why should I let you fuck me," I say in a teasing voice as I unbutton my school uniform shirt.

"Because I understand casual sex better than anyone at this school." he replies back with a smirk. With his answers, I take a few steps down to him and plant a kiss on his lips before heading down to the lounge. The lounge is actually a pretty nice hookup space, you can be loud and you have many different surfaces to fuck on.

Once inside, Mason pulls me close and slips his hand down to the hem of my shirt before pushing it up and rubbing against my vagina over my underwear. I could feel myself getting wet already, it had been a while since I have had a good fucking and my body was craving it. Before I knew it Mason was bending me over on the hip tall table, flipping my shirt up and shoving himself inside me. I was taken by surprise, Mason doesn't usually fuck me like this, he does usually go harder than most guys but, he's not one to skip foreplay.

Mason was pumping in and out of me hard and fast, occasionally slapping my ass hard with his hands, no doubt leaving bright red marks. I could hear his moaning behind me and his slight whispers of occasional fucks.

"Oh, I'm so close." he grunts out while pumping slightly faster and that's when I realized I wasn't.

"Slow down, aren't you forgetting about me?"

"Shut up, I know how you sluts like it." he says while pushing deep within me before he pulls out and finishes on my ass.

"What did you just say?" I yell turning around quickly, and that's when I see it. The small group of freshman boys standing outside the door peering in through the small window, "You..." I say venum pouring from my lips.

"Isn't having an audience fun?" he replied with a cruel smile painted on his lips.

"Not when I didn't know they were invited to watch." I yell, "you are a fucking pig, this is so over." I say before yanking the door open and glaring at the freshman dirt bags. "Oh, Mason," I say with a loving voice, "it's pathetic how you couldn't even get a girl to cum when your audience was present." I hear the freshman boys laugh and Mason yell at them as I storm up the stairs.

Today was totally fucked up and in ways, I didn't even see coming. I hate that boy so much. He's disgusting, I feel completely violated. And on top of that shit, he broke one of the two rules of casual sex--fun for the both of us. I sure as hell didn't have fun, I didn't even finish! That is my first time ever not finishing during casual sex. He took the best part of it away from me and he let creepy 15 year old watch!! 

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