Chapter 18: The Homerun

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           ****WOW sorry it's been a real long time**** 

It's been a few days since our fight and wonderful make-up, and the last few days have been entirely crazy. Justin and I had a lot of work to put into our project and my other workload for my classes was becoming equally as time-consuming. I felt like the only time I ever saw my friends was during lunch or when Justin and I had to work on the project together, which consisted of actually working and not messing around. So yes, still no sex but, I feel much better about it, knowing Justin's reasons for not wanting to jump the gun and just do it made perfect sense. I was determined to give him all the time in the world.

Finishing up with my last class of the day, I let out a huge sigh of relief, the four day weekend was finally here. The school had to do funding stuff or something like that, I dunno I stopped paying attention to the announcement when I heard we were getting a four day weekend. All I could think about was taking a much needed mini vacation with my best friend, her boyfriend, and of course Justin. Sam's family owns a cottage at Rawley Point as well, and the four of us could go hang out down there.

I cheerfully walked to my locker, where I was planning on meeting Justin to discuss this weekend's plan. My entire demeanor changed when I rounded the corner to see Mason leaning against my locker with a cruel smile across his lips as he spoke to Justin. I couldn't see Justin's face but, I could tell he was pissed. As I slowly approached the boys, Mason's eyes flicked to mine while saying to Justin, "Hey man, if you don't believe me just ask anyone else at the school or the girl you think you love." With his comment, he casually walked off.

"Justin?" my voice was small, I couldn't read him and I know Mason is an excellent manipulator. My heart was pounding in my chest, I was terrified.

"I love you," his voice was stern, his fists clenched at his side. He was upset but, I don't think it's aimed at me.

"What is going on?"

"Say it back Blythe," he turned to look at me for the first time since Mason walked away. His eyes held something I had never seen before, "Just fucking say it back." His voice boomed.

"Jesus Justin, I love you, ok? Now, what is happening?" Without answering me, he stormed off in the direction Mason had walked in, with me quickly following behind. It didn't take long to find him, he was doing his normal flirting with anything with a vagina after-school routine. Justin walked right up to him and sucker punched him directly in the nose, causing Mason to hit the ground.

"Don't you ever make me doubt her again. You don't know her at all, none of you assholes know her as I do. So how about you all just fuck off." Justin yelled, before spinning me around and pulling me along to the car.

"Justin, what did he say to you?" No response. "Justin?" Nothing. "Are you ok?" No response yet again. He pulled me all the way to his car where he opened the passenger door and basically shoved me into the seat. Once he was situated into the car, he sped out of the parking lot and in the opposite direction of either of our houses. We sat in silence, he clearly didn't want to talk about whatever had just happened. The route we were on was finally becoming a familiar drive and I knew exactly where we were heading, Rawley Point. We spent the entire 20-minute drive in complete silence, a first for us.

I walk slowly to the cottage, I was entirely nervous. I didn't know what was running through this boys head, the only thing I knew is he desperately needed me to tell him I loved him. And I do, so, so much, which is exactly why my nerves are going crazy. We walk into the cottage together, my eyes drifting to the couch, where Justin and I first kissed.

"Justin, please talk to me," I say, slowly turning my body to him.

"I don't want to talk," was all he muttered out before smashing his lips to mine. Desperation oozed out of his lips as they roughly moved against mine, his hands wasted no time at pulling on the hem of my shirt to remove it. I pulled away from him and he tugged it over my head pulling my arms up with it. I took a quick step away from him as he tried to again smash his lips to mine. "Kiss me, Blythe."

"No, Justin." I spit back, suddenly feeling pissed, "this is not how I want to do this with you. The last two weeks you have been so god damn worried about not wanting to have sex with in my bed because I have fucked other guys there. Yet now you are trying to fuck me exactly as those guys did? I don't understand you, what did Mason say to you?"

Raking his hand through his hair, he plopped down on the couch, with me following him, "He told me I will never be able to keep you satisfied and after a few times of having sex with me, you will leave me because that's all you wanted. And that you could never love someone."

"That's why you needed me to say it so bad." I say folding my arms over my half-naked torso, he nodded yes in response, "So what caused what just happened?"

"I needed to know that I could satisfy you." He said, turning bright red, "it's stupid, I know."

"God, Justin, it isn't stupid at all. A lot of guys think like that but, you don't need to worry. Those guys before you, casual sex in general, is all for the sake of pleasure. It's no emotions, no feelings, no care, it's selfish. And yes it has satisfaction, but not at all like the satisfaction you can get from a real relationship. Justin, you have satisfied me over and over again without ever having sex with me. Every time you kiss me, every time you tell me you love me, every time you hold me, I feel it, complete and total satisfaction." I pulled him close to me and kissed his lips gently, "Justin, I love you so much."

Justin pulls me up from the couch and to the bedroom, sweetly pecking my hand all the way there. Once inside he pulls my body close to his and kisses me with so much passion my breath is taken away. He quickly rips his shirt off over his head, brings his lips back down to my neck, leaving sweet little kisses as he unhooked my bra. I let my bra fall to the floor before I unzip my skirt and let it fall as well. I pull his hair until his lips are once again on mine, the kiss is cut short by him gently pushing me down onto the bed.

He crawls up the bed until his head is positioned completely over mine, his eyes glowing and a wide smile covering his face. As he leans down to me he trails kisses from my lips all the way down to my stomach as he scooted down to the end of the bed. With a shy smile, he pulls off my underwear and places a small kiss on both of my thighs. His face disappears between my legs and before I know it my breathing gets rugged. His lips and tongue expertly explore my middle, sending a pleasurable heat throughout my entire body. I can feel him smile as I moan his name, digging my fingers into his hair. Within seconds I am reaching a large orgasm, arching my back and curling my toes.

When I finally could catch my breath again I whispered, "And you thought you couldn't satisfy me." He only laughed as he stood up to take his pants and boxers off. I stared at my beautiful boyfriend's body, taking it all in.

"See something you like?" he cockily states, with a large smirk. I bit my lip and nodded yes and he crawled back on top of me. I was ready to be forcefully flipped over on stomach, but it never came, instead, Justin kissed me and sweetly asked if I was ready, which lead to me positioning his penis right at my opening. He took no time after that.

The sex was mind-blowing, adding feelings to sex made it one hundred timed better. He did things to my body no other guy had, and I was able to orgasm another two times during the sex. And he was capable of lasting much longer than most guys in high school. Missionary sex, though people find can be boring, might be my new favorite. There is nothing better than being face to face during one of the most intimate moments with someone you love.

Once we were tired and finished it was starting to get dark out. I couldn't get rid of the giant smile on my face and when I lifted my head off of Justin's chest, I could see he was wearing the exact same one. I love this boy more than anything in this world, and I can't believe he is all mine.

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