Chapter 8: The Promise of Friendship

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I wake up the next morning with a heavy arm draped over my torso and soft breathing in my ear from the body next to mine. A smile spreads across my lips thinking about the night before and how sweet Justin was to me. He was so unlike any other guy at our school, he was so special and made me so happy!

I try to sneak away from his arm and body so I can get out of bed but, I'm pulled tighter to him the second I move.

"Hmm, I'm not ready to get up yet Blythe," he mumbles into my ear.

"Well unfortunately for you I need to pee and the last thing I need is my mother walking in on this, she would flip," I say pushing his arm off of me.

"Isn't she used to people sleeping over?"

"I've never had someone sleep over before and don't slut shame me!" I say with a laugh.

"You aren't a slut and I'm glad I was your first," a small smile forms on his lips before he turns over and quickly falls back asleep.

I get off the bed and head into my closet, closing the door. My heart was beating hard and fast and I felt like I couldn't catch my breath, what was this boy doing to me. I start getting changed when I hear my door slowly creaking open and my mom's voice saying, "sweetheart, breakfast is ready! Get out of bed and come downstairs!"

I can hear her footsteps getting closer to my bed so, I burst out of the closet, "hi mom, Sam's asleep in the bed!" She forms her mouth in an o and slowly backs out of the room with a small nod. The second my mother is out of the room Justin starts cracking up, his deep laugh sending tingles through my body.

"That was so fucking close," he says between fits of laughter.

"I'm gunna go get us food, you can use the bathroom if you need!" I run downstairs and into the kitchen to see both my parents sitting around the kitchen table. I grab two plates and pile them with pancakes and bacon that my mom had prepared. I give them both an excuse that Sam had a rough night and we wanted to talk about it alone, they understood and I quickly headed back to my room with the plates of food.

I walk into my room to a shirtless Justin sitting on my bed, I stared at him, "you are ripped as shit."

"Lacrosse kinda forces you to be," he says standing up and walking toward me, he gets right up to me, my breath hitching in my throat. What was this boy doing? He smiles down at me and takes a plate from my hand, "thanks for the food." Right, I had food in my hands.

I continue to stare at him as he sits there, I can see each and every one of his perfectly chiseled muscles in his torso. I find myself so attracted to him but, we can't. He has Heather.

"Heather and I aren't dating," he says out of the blue.

"What?" I ask confused, did I think out loud.

"You said I have Heather," he chuckles, why do I always think out loud, "I told her we could hang out to see if something would happen but, after last night," he pauses and puts his plate down on the bed. Before he could continue I walk over to him and slam my lips against his. He reacts immediately, kissing me back with equal passion. I'm standing in between his thighs with my hands tangled in his long locks. He suddenly pulls away from me and stands up, I'm afraid he's going to leave, I frown a little, did I do something wrong, I don't want to stop. As if he was reading my mind, he lowers his head down to mine and kisses my lips tenderly before spinning us around and pushing me down onto the bed.

As I lay on the bed, in yoga pants and a baggie T-shirt, he stares at me with so much intensity. I blink a few times at him, trying to figure him out, he slowly starts crawling over my body, making his way from the end of my bed to the spot where my head is now resting. His lips are quickly attached to mine again and he nibbles on my bottom lip, I sigh into his mouth, allowing access for his tongue. I wiggle under him slightly, helping to position him directly between my legs and feel his hard-on as I brush against my sex. I quickly find the strength and flip us over so I am straddling him as he lays on the bed, his hard-on now rubbing against my ass. From what I can feel he is big. I lean down and connect my lips to his neck, sucking and nibbling, while I move my ass against his erection.

"Blythe," he says breathlessly, "we need to stop."

"Why," I say into his neck, still rocking against him.

"Because," was all he could manage.

I roll off of him and slide down until I'm on the edge of the bed, "ok."

He sits up and wraps his arms around my body, "you are something else."

"I want you so bad," is all I manage to say.

"Me too," he replies with a sad smile, "but, we want different things. It wouldn't be fair and it would only cause more problems. I think we need to agree to just be friends."

"Ya, you are right," and for the second time in this relationship I stick out my hand and ask, "Friends?"

"Friends," he smiles down at me before taking my hand and pulling me into a hug.

I rush him downstairs and sneak him out the door before my parents get a chance to see that I indeed had a boy in my room instead of Sam. Once Justin is gone I walk into the living room to find both of my parents cuddling on the couch watching reruns of some dumb soap opera. But, this is our families normal, this is our bonding time, and they were not working so, I walk on over to the couch and plop down on it with them.

My mom breaks the silence first, "Blythe, your father and I need to ask you something."

"Mhmm?" I reply.

"Next weekend is Margo's 40th birthday and she invited your dad and I, would you hate us if we left you alone for Friday and Saturday night?" she smiles down at me, "I know weekends are supposed to be family time but, you know Margo." Oh and did I. Margo is my mom's best friend from college, she's pretty much the epitome of the college friend who will never grow up. Margo is the exact same age as my mom, which is 43 but, is still insisting that this weekend will be her 40th birthday. She is married to some rich lawyer dude who I believe is around 35 years old, she refused to have children because and I quote it would ruin her magic poon. But, the one amazing thing about Margo is whenever my parents go see her they come back 18 times happier and 100 times more carefree. Despite all that is wrong with Margo, the lady knows how to have fun and make people relax.

"Of course it's fine mom!" I smile up at her, "I mean you only turn 40 once!" We both share a laugh, my dad joining in too.

"I want you to have a few friends stay over when we are gone," my dad chimes in, "I do not like the idea of you having to be in this house alone." A smile spreads across my face, I have just gotten permission to throw a party at my house, I mean the stretch from a few friends to a house full of people I don't entirely know isn't very big. Right?

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